class | AbstractAnimation |
| Interface for abstract animations. More...
class | AbstractBinding |
| AbstractBinding is the base class for binding classes. More...
class | AbstractBindingRuntime |
| Base class for binding runtimes. More...
class | AbstractBindingVariableSource |
| Abstract interface for VariableBindingSources and VariableExpressionValueSource. More...
class | AbstractExpressionValueSource |
| Value source base for use in bindings with multiple sources. More...
class | AbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Runtime base class for expression value sources. More...
class | AbstractIndexedRange |
| Abstract indexed range interface. More...
class | AbstractLogger |
| To implement a logger, inherit from this class. More...
class | AbstractMessageType |
| AbstractMessageType is a homogeneous message type handle to an existing message type. More...
class | AbstractMessageTypeDescriptor |
| An instance of a AbstractMessageTypeDescriptor represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system in an abstract homogeneous form. More...
class | AbstractNodeReference |
class | AbstractProfiler |
| AbstractProfiler. More...
class | AbstractPropertyNotificationHandler |
| Abstract property notification handler. More...
class | AbstractPropertyType |
| AbstractPropertyType is a homogeneous property type handle to an existing property type. More...
class | AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor |
| AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property type system to manage property types. More...
class | AbstractRange |
| Abstract range interface. More...
class | AbstractRangeIterator |
| Abstract range iterator interface. More...
class | AbstractRangeLocation |
| Location into a range. More...
class | AbstractResourceReference |
class | AbstractValueProfiler |
| Abstract value profiler. More...
class | Action |
| Actions are small operations that Kanzi executes when the trigger event that contains that action occurs and the trigger conditions are met. More...
class | ActionBase |
| Base abstraction class for Action classes. More...
class | Activity2D |
| An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task. More...
class | Activity3D |
| An Activity is a part of application UI that is responsible for a task. More...
class | ActivityBrowserController |
| ActivityBrowserController is an interface class for implementing runtime data exchange between the Kanzi Studio Preview and the ActivityBrowser Kanzi Studio plugin. More...
class | ActivityCodeBehind |
| ActivityCodeBehind is code that is associated with a particular Activity node, and has access to the properties of that Activity node. More...
class | ActivityConcept |
| Base class for Activity classes. More...
class | ActivityConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for ActivityConcept. More...
class | ActivityElement |
| ActivityElement is the base class for all Activity and Activity Host classes. More...
class | ActivityElementHistory |
| Encapsulates serialized data for activity elements. More...
class | ActivityElementImpl |
| ActivityElement implementation class. More...
class | ActivityHistoryManager |
| ActivityHistoryManager encapsulates functionality of serialization of activities. More...
class | ActivityHostConcept |
| Base class for Activity Host classes. More...
class | ActivityHostConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for ActivityHostConcept. More...
class | ActivityHostControllerPropertyManager |
| Encapsulates management of activities through a controller property. More...
class | ActivityPrefabLoader |
| Helper class for the Activity Host class types. More...
class | ActivitySourceController |
| Encapsulates the management of data provider for Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host. More...
class | ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler |
| Encapsulates dispatching of messages when an activating or a deactivating activity animation is finished. More...
class | ActivityStatusManager |
| Covers the management of the StatusProperty in the State Manager that the prefab of an Activity node uses for transition animations. More...
class | ActivitySwitchingSynchronizer |
| Encapsulates the synchronization of animations for activating and deactivating Activity nodes. More...
class | AndroidLogger |
class | AnimationBindingProcessor |
| Animation binding processor executes an animation and calculates the value for use in expression bindings. More...
class | AnimationBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of an AnimationBindingProcessor. More...
class | AnimationPlayer |
| Use the Animation Player to play back an animation timeline that you set using the TimelineProperty property in that Animation Player. More...
class | AnimationResource |
| A Resource wrapper class for animations. More...
class | Application |
| Application class is the base class for Kanzi applications. More...
struct | ApplicationProperties |
| Configurable application properties. More...
struct | AppliedStyleEntry |
| Applied style entry. More...
class | ApplyAction |
| Base abstraction for Actions for DataTrigger, such as ForwardingApplyAction and ApplyActivationAction. More...
class | ApplyActivationAction |
| An ApplyActivationAction keeps an Activity node activated for as long as the condition is met in a DataTrigger that contains this action. More...
class | ApplyPropertyAction |
| An ApplyPropertyAction sets a property to the requested value for as long as the condition is met in the DataTrigger that sets off this action. More...
class | AutoClosingModalScope |
| Implements the auto-closing modal scopes. More...
class | AutoClosingModelessScope |
| Implements the auto-closing modeless focus scope. More...
struct | BackEasingFunction |
| Changes the value back slightly before moving it toward the target. More...
struct | BezierEasingFunction |
| Changes the value according to a Bezier curve. More...
class | BinaryResource |
class | Binding |
| Binding is the simplest form of binding. More...
class | BindingBaseRuntime |
| Base runtime class for simple one-on-one bindings. More...
struct | BindingExpressionOpCode |
| Expression binding operation. More...
struct | BindingExpressionOpCodeParameters |
| Runtime Parameters for binding expression opcodes. More...
class | BindingHostConcept |
| BindingHostConcept specifies an interface for adding and removing bindings to the binding host. More...
class | BindingHostConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for BindingHostConcept. More...
struct | BindingLoadInfo |
| Use the BindingLoadInfo to create the information for a binding that you need when adding the binding to an object. More...
class | BindingLookupContext |
| Lookup context for bindings. More...
class | BindingLookupNotificationBase |
| Base class for notifications on binding lookup. More...
class | BindingNodeEffect2DLookupContext |
| Binding lookup context for NodeEffect2D. More...
class | BindingNodeLookupContext |
| Binding lookup context for Node. More...
class | BindingProcessor |
| Binding processor. More...
class | BindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a binding processor. More...
class | BindingRenderPassLookupContext |
| Binding lookup context for RenderPass. More...
class | BindingRenderValueLookupContext |
| Binding lookup context for render value associations. More...
class | BindingRuntime |
| Runtime for binding. More...
class | BindingRuntimeHandle |
| Handler for binding runtimes. More...
class | BindingSource |
| Binding source contains all the persistent data that you need to access a source value for the binding. More...
class | BindingSourceRuntime |
| Binding source runtime interface. More...
class | BindingTargetRuntime |
| Binding target runtime interface. More...
class | BindingToken |
| Helper class that manages the lifetime of the runtime binding owned by a Node or a RenderPass, by removing the owned binding on the destruction of that Node or the RenderPass. More...
class | BindingTriggerLookupContext |
| Binding lookup context for Node. More...
class | BindingValueSourceOwner |
| Owner for value source bindings. More...
class | BitmapFontFile |
| Font implementation for bitmap fonts. More...
class | BitmapFontLoader |
| FontLoader implementation for bitmap fonts. More...
class | BitmapImage |
| Image is the basic runtime primitive to load, hold, and convert image data in memory. More...
class | BlendModeRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler |
| Custom render state property notification handler for blend mode. More...
class | BlendModeRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime |
| Custom render value binding target runtime for blend mode. More...
class | BlitRenderPass |
| Use the Blit Render Pass to blit one or more textures to the screen of the current rendering context using a material. More...
class | BlurEffect2D |
| Use BlurEffect2D to apply a Gaussian blur post-processing effect to 2D nodes. More...
class | BlurEffectRenderer2D |
| Blur effect renderer class. More...
struct | BounceEasingFunction |
| Changes the value as a sequence of bounces. More...
class | Box |
| Class for box volume. More...
class | Brush |
| Use a brush to fill a Node2D. More...
class | BrushRenderer |
| An interface for specialized brush renderers, which implement brush rendering. More...
class | BufferObjectStream |
| Specifies stream to GL buffer object. More...
class | Button2D |
| Use the Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key. More...
class | Button3D |
| Use the Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a key. More...
class | ButtonConcept |
| Button nodes provide an area that receives key and touch input which Kanzi translates to state events. More...
class | ButtonConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for ButtonConcept. More...
class | CallbackBindingProcessor |
| Callback processor. More...
class | CallbackProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a CallbackBindingProcessor. More...
class | Camera |
| Use a Camera to define the view transform to use to render a 3D Scene. More...
struct | CharacterLayout |
| Structure for layout of a single character for text rendering. More...
struct | CircleEasingFunction |
| Changes the value using a circular function. More...
class | ClassPropertyDefaultValue |
| ClassPropertyDefaultValue is a helper for installing property values as class metadata. More...
class | ClearRenderPass |
| Use a Clear Render Pass to clear the color, depth, and stencil buffers of the current render context before passing the control to the descendants of this render pass. More...
class | ClickConcept |
| Use the ClickConcept properties to control how nodes handle click and double-click. More...
class | ClickConceptImpl |
| Implementation of base Click Concept class for derived classes. More...
class | ClickManipulator |
| Click input manipulator recognizes the click and tap gestures from the incoming touch events. More...
class | ClickManipulatorComponent |
| ClickManipulatorComponent installs a ClickManipulator to a node. More...
class | Clock |
| Represents a monotonic, high resolution clock that advances steadily as the physical time moves forward. More...
class | CodeBehind |
| Code Behind is a workflow where you associate code with an instance of a node instead of a type. More...
class | CodeBehindRegisterGuard |
| RAII class for attaching code behind to an Activity or Activity Host node. More...
class | ColorBrush |
| Color brush class. More...
class | ColorBrushRenderer |
| Color brush renderer class. More...
class | ColorRGBA |
| Color with 4 floating point components: red, green, blue and alpha (r, g, b, a). More...
class | CombinerObjectSource |
| Combiner object source. More...
class | CombinerObjectSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for combiner object source. More...
class | Command |
| Command class defines property and message types used in implementation of commands. More...
class | CompositionBrush |
| Texture brush class. More...
class | CompositionBrushRenderer |
| OpenGL texture brush renderer class. More...
struct | CompositionContentRequirements |
| Holds the requirements for the composition target. More...
class | CompositionManager |
| Composition manager. More...
class | CompositionRequirements |
| Composition requirements represent the required buffers for composition. More...
class | CompositionStack |
| Composition stack for managing current render context. More...
class | CompositionTargetRenderPass |
| Use the Composition Target Render Pass to set one to four composition targets and render all descendant render passes to the composition targets that the Composition Target Render Pass created. More...
class | Condition |
| Condition for triggers. More...
class | ConstraintBindingProcessor |
| Binding processor structure for constraints. More...
struct | ConstraintBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a ConstraintBindingProcessor. More...
class | Constraints |
| Contains property types of Constraints. More...
class | ContainsPropertyFilter |
| Use the Contains Property Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property. More...
class | ContainsPropertyFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for contains property node filter. More...
class | ContentBrush |
| Texture brush class. More...
class | ContentBrushRenderer |
| Content brush renderer class. More...
class | ContentItemCollectionModel |
| Base class for exposing abstract access to collections of items of UI controls with content. More...
class | ContentItemModel |
| Base class for exposing abstract access to content of UI controls with single content item model. More...
class | ContentLayout2D |
| Use the Content Layout 2D node to present content in a 2D UI control as a single item. More...
class | ContentLayout3D |
| Use the Content Layout 3D node to present content in a 3D UI control as a single item. More...
class | ContentLayoutConcept |
| Use the Content Layout nodes to present complex content as one element in the UI. More...
class | ContentLayoutConceptImpl |
| ContentLayoutConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Content Layout node concept. More...
class | ContentReference |
class | ControllerPropertySource |
| Abstract class whose implementation encapsulates management of controller property source for an activity host controller property. More...
class | CoutLogger |
| This logger class writes log messages to standard output. More...
class | CubeMapRenderPass |
| Use the Cubemap Render Pass to create a cubemap texture that represents the scene from some location. More...
struct | CubicEasingFunction |
| Changes the value based on the cube of time using the function f(t) = t^3. More...
class | CurveReparametrization |
| Kanzi uses curve reparametrization to subdivide a spline or a line into a series of samples. More...
class | DataContext |
| DataContext acts as a container for data. More...
class | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D |
| A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property. More...
class | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D |
| A type of Exclusive Activity Host node, that uses a list of Activity nodes provided by setting a list DataObject, from a DataSource, to the ActivitySourceProperty property. More...
class | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
| Base class for the Data-Driven Exclusive Activity Host classes. More...
class | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostImpl |
| Implementation class for DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHostConcept and ExclusiveActivityHostConcept. More...
class | DataObject |
| DataObject is the base class for data. More...
class | DataObjectBool |
| Implementation of DataObjectTyped<bool, DataObject::Bool>. More...
class | DataObjectEnum |
| Provides functions to the host, set, and get values of the given type. More...
class | DataObjectEnumBase |
| DataObjectEnumBase is the base class for enum data. More...
class | DataObjectInt |
| Implementation of DataObjectTyped<int32_t, DataObject::Int>. More...
class | DataObjectList |
| DataObjectList is the base class for list data object. More...
class | DataObjectReal |
| Implementation of DataObjectTyped<double, DataObject::Real>. More...
class | DataObjectString |
| Implementation of DataObjectTyped<string, DataObject::String>. More...
class | DataObjectTyped |
| Template class that you can use with the standard types. More...
struct | DataObjectTypeTraits |
| DataObjectTypeTraits Provides type information for how a data type should be stored, passed as a parameter, etc. More...
struct | DataObjectTypeTraits< double > |
| A specialization for double, because PropertyDataTypeTraits<T> does not have double. More...
class | DataSource |
| Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application. More...
class | DataSourceBindingSource |
| Data source binding source. More...
class | DataSourceBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class | DataSourceControllerPropertySource |
| Implementation of ControllerPropertySource, for controller property value provided by a data source field. More...
class | DataSourceExpressionValueSource |
| Data Source expression value source. More...
class | DataSourceExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class | DataSourceListItemGenerator |
class | DataSourceListItemGenerator2D |
class | DataSourceListItemGenerator3D |
class | DataTrigger |
| Use a DataTrigger to apply an action to either set a property value of a target node or activate an Activity node. More...
class | DataTriggerComponent |
| Base class for the DataTrigger class. More...
class | DataTriggerTemplate |
| DataTriggerTemplate is the base class for the Data Trigger templates. More...
class | DebugRenderRegistry |
| Use the debug render registry to register debug rendering functions for your custom Node3D nodes. More...
class | DefaultListBoxItemContainerGenerator |
class | DefaultListBoxItemGenerator |
class | DefaultLogger |
| Use this class to access the Default Logger. More...
class | DefaultProfilerRegistry |
| The default profiler registry placeholder. More...
class | DispatchMessageAction |
| DispatchMessageAction dispatches a message of specified type to a specified target. More...
class | DistanceFilter |
| Distance filter. More...
class | DistanceFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for distance filter. More...
class | DockLayout2D |
| Use the Dock Layout 2D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 2D node. More...
class | DockLayout3D |
| Use the Dock Layout 3D node to place nodes relative to each other along the sides of a Dock Layout 3D node. More...
class | DockLayoutConcept |
| Dock layout concept base class. More...
class | DockLayoutConceptImpl |
| Dock layout concept implementation base class. More...
class | Domain |
| Domain binds Kanzi subsystems and objects together. More...
class | DomainProfilerCollection |
| The domain profiler collection. More...
class | DragAndDropManipulator |
| Drag-and-drop input manipulator recognizes the drag-and-drop gesture from incoming touch events. More...
class | DrawObjectsRenderPass |
| Use the Draw Objects Render Pass to render only nodes in a Scene node provided by an object source you set in this render pass. More...
class | DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass |
| Use the Draw Objects With Material Render Pass to render nodes provided by an object source using a material. More...
class | DummyBindingTargetRuntime |
| Runtime for dummy binding target. More...
class | DynamicMessageType |
| DynamicMessageType is a handle to an existing message type. More...
class | DynamicPropertyType |
| DynamicPropertyType is a handle to an existing property type. More...
class | EffectStack2D |
| Use EffectStack2D to apply multiple post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class | EffectStackRenderer2D |
| Use the Effect Stack Renderer to render a sequence of child effect renderers. More...
struct | EGLCapabilities |
| EGL capabilities. More...
class | EGLConfig |
| Class representing a single EGL configuration. More...
class | EGLContext |
| Class representing an EGL context. More...
class | EGLDisplay |
| Class representing an EGL display connection. More...
class | EGLPBufferSurface |
| Class representing EGL PBuffer surface. More...
class | EGLPixmapSurface |
| Class representing EGL pixmap surface. More...
struct | EGLVersion |
| Struct holding EGL version information. More...
class | EGLWindowSurface |
| Class representing EGL window surface. More...
struct | ElasticEasingFunction |
| Changes the value that resembles an oscillating spring until it comes to rest. More...
class | EmptyNode2D |
| Empty Node 2D can be used to group other 2D nodes. More...
class | EmptyNode3D |
struct | enable_bitmask_operators |
| Enabler template for bitmask operators over an Enum class. More...
class | EventFilter |
| EventFilter class. More...
class | EventQueue |
| The EventQueue class implements a queue of Kanzi input events gathered by EventSource instances. More...
class | EventSource |
| EventSource class. More...
class | EventSourceDecorator |
| The EventSourceDecorator declares the interface for the EventSource decorators. More...
struct | EventSourceProperties |
| Configurable event source properties. More...
class | ExampleApplication |
class | ExclusiveActivityHost2D |
| An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time. More...
class | ExclusiveActivityHost3D |
| An Activity Host that displays Activity nodes one at a time. More...
class | ExclusiveActivityHostBaseImpl |
| Implementation of common functionality of ExclusiveActivityHost and DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost classes. More...
class | ExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
| This is the base class for all Exclusive Activity Host nodes. More...
struct | ExclusiveActivityHostContentHandler |
| Helper class used to modify the ExclusiveActivityHostContent of an ExclusiveActivityHost. More...
class | ExclusiveActivityHostImpl |
| Implementation class for ExclusiveActivityHost. More...
class | ExecuteLuaAction |
| You can use ExecuteLuaAction to run a Lua script that implements application logic. More...
struct | ExponentialEasingFunction |
| Changes the value with an exponential function with power that you can configure. More...
class | ExpressionBinding |
| ExpressionBinding enables you to bind from multiple sources to one target, and to modify the values before writing them to target values. More...
class | ExpressionBindingProcessor |
| Expression binding processor. More...
class | ExpressionBindingRuntime |
| Runtime for expression binding. More...
class | ExpressionBindingSource |
| Expression binding source collects expression value sources and executes operations on the values to produce a read result. More...
class | ExpressionBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for expression binding source. More...
class | ExpressionCondition |
| Use trigger conditions to set which conditions must be met for a Trigger to set off. More...
class | File |
| Interface class for files. More...
class | FilterObjectSource |
| Filter object source. More...
class | FilterObjectSourceRuntime |
| Base class for filter runtime classes. More...
class | FixedString |
| String that points to a string literal. More...
class | FlagScopeGuard |
| Scope guard for boolean value. More...
class | FloatValueAccumulator |
| Use a FloatValueAccumulator to increase the value of a float property type or a property field over time. More...
class | FlowLayout2D |
| Flow Layout 2D arranges 2D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space. More...
class | FlowLayout3D |
| Flow Layout 3D arranges 3D items along a line and continues to the next line when it runs out of space. More...
class | FlowLayoutConcept |
| Flow layout concept base class. More...
class | FlowLayoutConceptImpl |
| Flow layout concept implementation base class. More...
struct | FocusChainIndex |
| Contains the focus order and focus order offset information of a node in a focus scope. More...
struct | FocusChainNode |
| The focus chain node of a focus scope consists of the node of the focus scope, its focus order, and the focus order offset. More...
class | FocusFence |
| Implements the focus fences. More...
class | FocusGroup |
| Implements the focus groups. More...
class | FocusManager |
| Focus Manager enables you to set and change the key focus between attached nodes. More...
struct | FocusNavigationGesture |
| Declares a focus navigation gesture. More...
class | FocusNavigationManipulator |
| FocusNavigationManipulator converts key gestures into focus chain navigation actions to move the focus between focusable nodes. More...
class | FocusScope |
| The FocusScope class holds the attributes of a focus scope: More...
class | FocusScopeVisitor |
| Focus scope visitor for UI scene traversal of focus scopes. More...
class | FontEnginePlugin |
| FontEnginePlugin is the interface definition for font engine plugins. More...
class | FontFamily |
| A font family resource contains font files. More...
class | FontFile |
| FontFile is the base class for different font file resource implementations. More...
class | FontLoader |
| Use FontLoader to create FontFile objects from memory or a file. More...
class | FontManager |
| Use the FontManager class to: More...
class | FontRuntime |
| Runtime font. More...
class | FontStyleConcept |
| FontStyleConcept is the base class for the nodes that draw text with different font styles. More...
class | FontStyleConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for FontStyleConcept. More...
class | FontStyleDefinition |
| FontStyleDefinition provides a collection of font characteristics. More...
class | ForwardingAction |
| ForwardingAction is the base class for the action classes that read and send arguments, such as SetPropertyAction or DispatchMessageAction. More...
class | ForwardingApplyAction |
| ForwardingApplyAction is the base class for the ApplyAction classes that read and send an argument, such as ApplyPropertyAction. More...
class | Framebuffer |
| Framebuffer attachment state. More...
class | FrameDescription |
| Description of a frame, the remaining area of a quad with another quad cut out. More...
class | FrameTimeQueue |
| Helper class for calculating the frame rate. More...
class | FreeTypeFontEnginePlugin |
| FreeTypeFontEnginePlugin is the FreeType font engine plugin implementation. More...
class | FreeTypeFontFile |
| Font implementation using the Freetype rasterizer. More...
class | FreeTypeFontLoader |
| FontLoader implementation for the Freetype rasterizer. More...
class | FreeTypeTextShaper |
| TextShaper implementation using these open source libraries: More...
struct | from_chars_result |
| Holds the status result of a call to from_chars. More...
class | FromToAnimation |
| Template class for from-to animations. More...
class | FromToAnimationBase |
| Template base class for from-to animations. More...
class | FrustumCullFilter |
| Frustum cull filter. More...
class | FrustumCullFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for frustum cull filter. More...
class | GatherLightsRenderPass |
| GatherLightsRenderPass is a class for generating light properties for rendering nodes. More...
class | GatherNearestLightsRenderPass |
| GatherNearestLightsRenderPass is an implementation of light gathering. More...
class | GenericResourceProfilingContext |
| Generic resource profiling context. More...
class | Geometry |
| Geometry represents 2D coordinate data that you can use to render 2D nodes and text. More...
class | GlBlendModeRenderValue |
| Custom blend mode render value implementation. More...
class | GLBufferHandle |
| GLBufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL buffer object. More...
class | GLFramebufferHandle |
| GLFramebufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL framebuffer object. More...
class | GlGraphicsAdapter |
| Base class for handling calls to OpenGL family. More...
class | GlGraphicsAdapterCallGles |
| OpenGL API call handler which calls the implementation from dynamically loaded GLES library. More...
class | GlGraphicsAdapterCheckForErrors |
| Check for GL errors. More...
class | GlGraphicsAdapterLogger |
| Logs OpenGL API calls. More...
class | GlGraphicsLogScope |
| Scoped OpenGL log enable/disabler. More...
class | GLGraphicsOutput |
| GLGraphicsOutput class. More...
class | GLProgramHandle |
| GLProgramHandle manages RAII ownership for GL program object. More...
class | GLRenderbufferHandle |
| GLRenderbufferHandle manages RAII ownership for GL renderbuffer object. More...
class | GlRenderState |
| OpenGL render state. More...
class | GlRenderValue |
| Individual render value container. More...
class | GlRenderValue< TextureSharedPtr > |
| Specialization of GlRenderValue. More...
class | GlRenderValueBase |
| Base class for render value information. More...
struct | GlRenderValueBinding |
| GlRenderValueBinding is a binding from shaders/materials into values in GlRenderState. More...
class | GLShaderHandle |
| GLShaderHandle manages RAII ownership for GL shader object. More...
class | GLTextureHandle |
| GLTextureHandle manages RAII ownership for GL texture object. More...
class | GlyphCache |
| Glyph cache renders different characters on a texture with the font and font size that you use in your Kanzi application. More...
class | GlyphCacheManager |
| GlyphCacheManager creates and maintains glyph caches for different font file and font size combinations. More...
class | GlyphRun |
| GlyphRun contains the memory structures that are needed to render a text string. More...
class | GPUBuffer |
class | GPUResource |
| GPUResource is a resource that must be deployed to the GPU. More...
class | GraphicsOutput |
| GraphicsOutput class. More...
class | GridLayout2D |
| Grid Layout 2D arranges 2D items in a grid. More...
class | GridLayout3D |
| Grid Layout 3D arranges 3D items in a grid. More...
class | GridLayoutConcept |
| Base class for the Grid Layout nodes. More...
class | GridLayoutConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for GridLayoutConcept. More...
class | GridListBox2D |
| Use the Grid List Box 2D node to create scrollable lists of 2D items arranged in a grid. More...
class | GridListBox2DTraits |
class | GridListBox3D |
| Use the Grid List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of 3D items arranged in a grid. More...
class | GridListBox3DTraits |
class | GridListBoxConcept |
| GridListBoxConcept provides the common properties and messages for the GridListBox2D and GridListBox3D nodes. More...
class | HudDebugEvent |
| The event toggles the head-up display debugging status. More...
class | Image2D |
| Image2D node. More...
class | ImmutableIteratorRange |
| Iterator location range pointing to a particular location of an iterator range. More...
class | ImmutableSplitStringRange |
| ImmutableSplitStringRange is an analogue to the ImmutableIteratorRange for a SplitStringRange. More...
class | ImmutableString |
| Immutable string container. More...
class | IndexedPropertyAccessRange |
| Indexed property access range. More...
class | IndexedViewRange |
| View over another indexed range. More...
class | InputEvent |
| Base event class providing the core functionality of the Kanzi input events. More...
class | InputManager |
| Input Manager converts the events from the given event queue into input specific messages. More...
class | InputManipulator |
| The base class for the Kanzi input manipulators. More...
class | InputMethod |
| The InputMethod class defines the interface of the Kanzi input methods. More...
class | InputMethodBackend |
| The InputMethodBackend defines the interface of the input method backends. More...
class | InputMethodListener |
| The InputMethodListener defines the communication interface of Kanzi input methods. More...
class | InputMethodManager |
| The InputMethodManager keeps track of the input method backends registered in Kanzi. More...
class | Instantiator3D |
| Use the Instantiator node to replicate the appearance of a 3D node, or a tree of 3D nodes, that the Instantiator node targets. More...
class | InstructionBindingProcessor |
| Instruction binding processor is the top-level class for all instruction-like binding processors. More...
class | InstructionBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of an InstructionBindingProcessor. More...
class | InterpolatedValue |
| Core component for smooth interpolation in code. More...
class | IntervalProfiler |
| The interval profiler. More...
struct | IntervalProfilerSampleData |
| The interval profiler data sample. More...
struct | IntervalProfilerSampleStatistics |
class | IntervalProfilingSampler |
| The main loop task profiling sampler collects interval measurement to produce IntervalProfilerSampleData sample. More...
class | IntValueAccumulator |
| Use an IntValueAccumulator to increase the value of an integer property type over time. More...
class | InvalidKZBFileException |
| Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load an invalid kzb file. More...
struct | IrisImageHeader |
class | IteratorRange |
| Iterator is an range that references a location in another range. More...
class | ItypeFontEnginePlugin |
| ItypeFontEnginePlugin is the IType font engine plugin implementation. More...
class | ItypeFontFile |
| Font implementation using the iType rasterizer. More...
class | ItypeFontLoader |
| FontLoader implementation for Monotype's iType rasterizer. More...
class | ItypeTextShaper |
| TextShaper implementation using Monotype's WTShaper library. More...
class | JavaException |
| Exception class that can be used to wrap a Java generated exception. More...
class | JavaModule |
class | JNIError |
struct | JniLibrary |
class | JvmModule |
class | KanziComponentsModule |
class | Keyboard |
| Keyboard declares the messages dispatched to the nodes when Kanzi handles a hardware key event. More...
class | KeyEvent |
| The KeyEvent holds a pressed, released, or auto-repeated key event that occurs in the host operating system. More...
class | KeyframeAnimation |
| Template class for keyframe animations. More...
struct | KeyGestureInfo |
| This class defines the elements that compose a key gesture, key values, and key modifiers. More...
class | KeyManipulator |
| KeyManipulator class is a key input manipulator that detects key gestures. More...
class | KeyManipulatorComponent |
| The KeyManipulatorComponent node component installs a KeyManipulator to the attached node, and configures the key gesture of the manipulator. More...
struct | KeyMap |
| Defines the keys to map from a {LogicalKey, KeyModifier} pair to a simple LogicalKey. More...
class | KeyMapEventFilter |
| The KeyMapEventFilter provides key translation in Kanzi. More...
class | KeyRepeatGenerator |
| The KeyRepeatGenerator is an event source decorator that scans the event queue of the EventSource it extends for key-press events and generates from them key-press repetitions. More...
class | KzbFile |
| Kzb file loader. More...
class | KZBFileException |
| Kanzi throws this exception when an error occurs while loading a kzb file. More...
class | KzbMemoryParser |
| Parser for kzb files. More...
class | LegacyError |
class | LegacyEventSource |
| LegacyEventSource class. More...
class | LegacyGraphicsOutput |
| LegacyGraphicsOutput class. More...
class | LegacyRenderPass |
| Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass. More...
class | LevelOfDetail3D |
| Level of detail selector node is a 3D node that changes the appearance of its child nodes based on the viewing distance. More...
struct | LibJPEGParameters |
| Parameters that Kanzi passes to libjpeg to use when loading jpg image files. More...
struct | LibPNGParameters |
| Parameters that Kanzi passes to libpng to use when loading png image files. More...
class | Light |
| Light node is a source of light for a 3D scene. More...
struct | LinearEasingFunction |
| Changes the value with constant velocity. More...
class | ListBoxConcept |
| Properties and messages for list boxes. More...
class | ListBoxConceptImpl |
| ListBoxConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for the List Box nodes, such as GridListBox2D, GridListBox3D, and TrajectoryListBox3D. More...
class | ListBoxGridPresenter |
class | ListBoxItemContainer |
| Use the List Box Item Container prefab to create common functionality and decoration for all items in a List Box. More...
class | ListBoxItemContainer2D |
| List Box Item Container for 2D List Box nodes. More...
class | ListBoxItemContainer3D |
| List Box Item Container for 3D List Box nodes. More...
class | ListBoxItemContainerGenerator2D |
class | ListBoxItemContainerGenerator3D |
class | ListBoxItemContainerImpl |
| Implementation of base List Box Item Container class for List Box. More...
class | ListBoxItemGenerator2D |
class | ListBoxItemGenerator3D |
class | ListBoxScrollingConcept |
| Messages for the List Box nodes that implement scrolling. More...
class | ListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl |
| ListBoxScrollPresenterConceptImpl is the base class concept implementation for the List Box presenters that use Scroll View in their presentation. More...
class | ListBoxTrajectoryPresenter |
class | LongPressManipulator |
| Long-press input manipulator recognizes the long-press gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class | LongPressManipulatorComponent |
| LongPressManipulatorComponent installs a LongPressManipulator to a node. More...
class | LuaInstance |
| Loads and runs Lua scripts. More...
class | LuaModule |
| The Lua plugin enables you to program Kanzi applications using the Lua programming language. More...
class | MainLoopProfiler |
| MainLoopProfiler implements profiling for tasks of MainLoopScheduler. More...
class | MainLoopProfilingAggregateData |
| MainLoopProfilingAggregateData implements profiling data aggregation for MainLoopProfiler. More...
struct | MainLoopProfilingSampleData |
| MainLoopProfilingSampleData implements profiling sample data for MainLoopProfiler. More...
class | MainLoopProfilingSampler |
| MainLoopProfilingSampler implements profiling sampler for MainLoopProfiler. More...
class | MainLoopScheduler |
| MainLoopScheduler implements the Kanzi application main loop in form of a customizable sequence of stages, each consisting of a sequence of tasks, where a task is any callable, including functions, function objects, and lambdas. More...
class | ManualBinding |
| Manual binding is a one-to-one binding that caches the value that was written to the target. More...
class | ManualBindingRuntime |
| Runtime for binding. More...
class | ManualBindingSource |
| Manual binding source. More...
class | ManualBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for manual binding source. More...
class | ManualBindingTargetRuntime |
| Runtime for manual binding target. More...
class | MaskEffect2D |
| Use MaskEffect2D to apply a mask to 2D nodes. More...
class | MaskEffectRenderer2D |
| Mask effect renderer class. More...
class | Material |
| A material is an instance of a material type (ShaderProgram) that contains the property values for the material type properties. More...
class | MaterialBrush |
| Freeform shader brush. More...
class | MaterialBrushRenderer |
| Material brush renderer. More...
class | MaterialSetupRenderPass |
| Use the Material Setup Render Pass to set properties to a material for further render operations using that material. More...
class | Matrix3x3 |
| Matrix with 3x3 elements. More...
class | Matrix4x4 |
| Matrix with 4x4 elements. More...
class | MemoryParser |
class | MemoryWriter |
class | Mesh |
| Mesh stores the geometry data for rendering Model3D nodes. More...
class | MeshVertexAttribute |
| MeshVertexAttribute describes how Kanzi stores mesh vertex and instance data in memory. More...
class | MessageArguments |
| MessageArguments is the base class for arguments passed in messages. More...
class | MessageBindingSource |
| Message binding source. More...
class | MessageBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for message binding source. More...
class | MessageBindingTargetRuntime |
| Runtime for message binding target. More...
class | MessageTrigger |
| Message handler trigger. More...
class | MessageType |
| An instance of a MessageType represents a single message type in the Kanzi message system. More...
class | Metaclass |
| Metaclass provides type inspection mechanism for Kanzi classes. More...
class | MetaclassAbstractBase |
class | MetaclassAbstractImpl |
class | MetaclassImpl |
class | MetaclassStaticBase |
class | MetaclassStaticImpl |
class | MetadataGeneratedName |
| This class is used to disambiguate a constructor which takes a non-literal string argument from an overload which takes a string-literal i.e. FixedString. More...
class | MetaMethod |
| MetaMethod provides method invocation mechanism for Kanzi classes. More...
class | MetaObject |
| MetaObject is the base class for classes that provide type reflection. More...
class | MethodArgument |
| Holds argument type and value information. More...
class | MethodArguments |
| Holds arguments applied on metamethod invocation. More...
class | MipmapGenerationConcept |
| Use the MipmapGenerationConcept properties to control mipmap generation material of a Render Pass. More...
class | MipmapGenerationConceptImpl |
| Implementation of base Mipmap Generation Concept class for derived classes. More...
class | ModalScope |
| Implements the modal scopes. More...
class | Model3D |
| Node for rendering meshes in 3D space. More...
class | ModelessScope |
| Implements the modeless overlay focus scopes. More...
class | Module |
| Module is a class representing a functional module with its own metadata about the types it contains. More...
struct | ModuleDeleter |
| Module deleter for shared_ptr. More...
class | Morph |
class | MorphRuntime |
| Contains morph weights for a morph. More...
class | MorphWeightTimeline |
| Timeline for animating morph weights. More...
class | MorphWeightTimelinePlayback |
| Timeline Playback for morph timeline. More...
class | MoveFocusAction |
| Use the MoveFocusAction action to transfer focus from the currently focused item to another focusable item in the focus navigation chain. More...
class | MultiClickManipulator |
| Multi-click input manipulator recognizes multi-click and multi-tap gestures from incoming touch events. More...
class | MultiClickManipulatorComponent |
| MultiClickManipulatorComponent installs a MultiClickManipulator to a node. More...
class | NamedIntervalProfiler |
| The named interval profiler. More...
struct | NamedIntervalProfilerSampleData |
| The named interval profiler data sample. More...
class | NamedIntervalProfilerSampler |
| This sampler collects interval measurement to produce NamedIntervalProfilerSampleData sample. More...
struct | NamedIntervalProfilerSampleStatistics |
| Named Interval profiler sample statistics. More...
class | NamedResourceProfilingContext |
| Named resource profiling context. More...
class | NativeDeploymentTarget |
| Reference to a backend implementation specific memory storage type for deployment. More...
struct | NativeDesktopProperties |
| Properties for a desktop. More...
struct | NativeWindowProperties |
| Properties for a window. More...
struct | NavigationGesture |
| Declares a navigation gesture. More...
class | NavigationManipulator |
| The NavigationManipulator supports these navigation directions and default keyboard keys for them: More...
class | NavigationManipulatorComponent |
| The NavigationManipulatorComponent node component installs a NavigationManipulator to a node, and configures the navigation key gestures of the manipulator. More...
class | NinePatchImage2D |
| A nine-patch image is a 3x3 grid of images. More...
class | Node |
| Base class for Kanzi nodes. More...
class | Node2D |
| Node2D is the base class of 2D nodes. More...
class | Node3D |
| Base class for all 3D nodes. More...
class | NodeComponent |
| NodeComponent is the base class for all node components. More...
class | NodeComponentTemplate |
| NodeComponentTemplate is the base class for all node component templates. More...
class | NodeCompositor2D |
| Composition functionality for 2D nodes. More...
class | NodeEffect2D |
| Use node effects to apply post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class | NodeEffectPrefab2D |
| Use node effect prefabs to create node effects that define post-processing effects for 2D nodes. More...
class | NodeEffectRenderer2D |
| Node effect renderer class. More...
class | NodeEffectTemplate2D |
| Use NodeEffectTemplate2D to instantiate a node effect. More...
class | NodeList |
| NodeList is a container that works as input and output node listing for filtering and rendering. More...
class | NodeListRenderPass |
| Use the Node List Render Pass to filter and hold a list of nodes that you want to render using other render passes. More...
class | NodePropertyNotificationHandler |
| Node property notification handler. More...
class | NodeReference |
| Provides functionality for a reference to any attached node that you can access using a relative path. More...
class | NodeVisual2D |
| Data and functionality required for rendering Node2D visuals. More...
class | NullBrush |
| Null brush class. More...
class | NullGraphicsOutput |
| NullGraphicsOutput class. More...
class | nullptr_t |
| nullptr_t is the type of the null pointer literal, nullptr. More...
class | Object |
| Object is the base class for Kanzi UI classes that implement association with a Domain. More...
class | ObjectControllerPropertySource |
| Implementation of the ControllerPropertySource, for ControllerProperty value provided as a property field, either on the Activity Host node or, if the Activity Host node does not have that property, its nearest ancestor that does have that property. More...
class | ObjectFactory |
class | ObjectLoader |
| ObjectLoader loads objects from KZB. More...
class | ObjectPropertyBindingSource |
| Object property binding source. More...
class | ObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for ObjectPropertyBindingSource. More...
class | ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource |
| Object Property expression value source. More...
class | ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class | ObjectPropertyListenerImpl |
| Object property listener implementation. More...
class | ObjectSource |
| Structure for object source. More...
class | ObjectSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for an object source. More...
class | ObjectTypeFilter |
| Use the Object Type Filter to collect 3D nodes based on their type. More...
class | ObjectTypeFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for object type filter. More...
class | OnAttachedTrigger |
| On Attached Trigger. More...
class | OnPropertyChangedTrigger |
| Invokes associated actions on setting of a property type, specified by SourcePropertyTypeProperty, on a source node, specified by SourceNodeProperty. More...
class | OrientationChangedEvent |
| Specialized event that reports the orientation change of a window. More...
class | OrientedBoundingBox |
| An oriented bounding box represents a bounding box that has been transformed by a transformation matrix. More...
class | OutlineEffect2D |
| Use OutlineEffect2D to apply an outline to the content of 2D nodes. More...
class | OutlineEffectRenderer2D |
| Outline effect renderer class. More...
class | OverlayScope |
| Implements the base of overlay focus scopes. More...
class | Page |
| Use Page nodes to create the structure of an application user interface. More...
class | PageHost |
| Use a PageHost node to group Page and PageHost nodes, and to manage navigation requests and transitions in a tree of Page nodes under a PageHost node. More...
class | PageTransitionCollection |
| Transition collection is used to define transitions within a Page Host. More...
class | PanManipulator |
| Pan input manipulator recognizes a pan gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class | PanManipulatorComponent |
| PanManipulatorComponent installs a PanManipulator to a node. More...
class | ParallelActivityHost2D |
| An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time. More...
class | ParallelActivityHost3D |
| An Activity Host that can display multiple Activity nodes at a time. More...
class | ParallelActivityHostConcept |
| This is the base class for Parallel Activity Host nodes. More...
struct | ParallelActivityHostContentHandler |
| Helper class used to modify the ParallelActivityHostContent of a ParallelActivityHost. More...
class | ParallelActivityHostImpl |
| ParallelActivityHostConcept implementation class. More...
class | ParallelTimeline |
| Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: More...
class | ParallelTimelinePlayback |
| Playback control class for parallel timelines. More...
class | PatchingNotificationHandler |
| Patching notification handler interface. More...
class | PerformanceInfo |
| HUD class allows drawing information on top of tests. More...
struct | PerformanceInfoProperties |
| Configurable performance info display properties. More...
class | PinchManipulator |
| Pinch input manipulator recognizes the pinch gesture from the incoming touch events. More...
class | PipelineStateRenderPass |
| Use the Pipeline State Render Pass to set for its child render passes the depth and stencil testing, transparency, and culling. More...
class | Plane |
| The equation of a plane in 3D space is defined with a normal vector (perpendicular to that plane) and a known point on the plane. More...
struct | PlanePlaneIntersection |
| Stores the intersection of two planes. More...
struct | PlaneRayIntersection |
| Stores the result of an intersection between a plane and a ray. More...
class | Plugin |
class | PointerEvent |
| The event holds a pointer event data and typically originates from a mouse or other pointing device. More...
class | Portal |
| Portal node. More...
class | PosixDynamicLibrary |
| POSIX dynamic library. More...
struct | PowerEasingFunction |
| Changes the value with a configurable power function using the function f(t) = t^p, where p is equal to the power parameter. More...
class | PrefabTemplate |
| A prefab template contains information that is required to create a tree of Node instances. More...
class | PrefabTemplateNode |
| A prefab template node contains information that is required to create node instances: the metaclass of the node, the (initial) property values of the node, information about the bindings and node components of the node, and the list of of child nodes. More...
class | PrefabView2D |
| Prefab view 2D node. More...
class | PrefabView3D |
| Prefab view 3D node. More...
class | PrefabViewConcept |
| Prefab view concept class. More...
class | PrefabViewConceptImpl |
| Base class for prefab views. More...
class | PreviewTimeline |
| Preview timeline,. More...
class | PreviewTimelinePlayback |
| Preview timeline playback controls child timeline playbacks based on preview instructions. More...
class | ProfilerRegistry |
| Profiler registry. More...
class | ProfilingCategory |
| Represents the runtime state of the profiling category. More...
class | ProfilingScopeHelper |
| The profiling scope helper. More...
class | ProgressiveRenderingViewport2D |
| Progressive rendering viewport 2D is a viewport which splits rendering its scene across multiple frames. More...
class | PropertyAccessRange |
| Property access range wraps the access of properties from another range. More...
class | PropertyAnimationTimeline |
| The Kanzi animation system consists of animations, which define how to animate properties, and timelines, which map animations to time and to the objects that you want to animate. More...
class | PropertyAnimationTimelinePlayback |
| Playback class for PropertyAnimationTimeline. More...
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< AbstractRangeSharedPtr > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< bool > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< ColorRGBA > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< float > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< int > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix3x3 > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< Matrix4x4 > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< ResourceSharedPtr > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue2D > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< SRTValue3D > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< string > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector2 > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector3 > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< Vector4 > |
struct | PropertyDataTypeTraits< void * > |
class | PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer |
| Use Property Driven Animation Player when you want to use a property type to control a keyframe animation. More...
class | PropertyFieldAnimationTimeline |
| Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: More...
class | PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlayback |
| Playback control class for Property Field Animation timelines. More...
class | PropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback |
| Playback for property target interpolation timeline for interpolating specific property field. More...
class | PropertyIsEqualFilter |
| Use the Property Is Equal Filter to collect 3D nodes that contain, or do not contain a specific property whose value matches a specific value. More...
class | PropertyIsEqualFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for contains property node filter. More...
class | PropertyListener |
class | PropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime |
| Base class for property modifier binding target runtimes. More...
class | PropertyObject |
| PropertyObject is the base class that supports setting and retrieving of property types. More...
class | PropertyObserver |
| Helper class for observing certain property in nodes. More...
class | PropertyTargetEasingInterpolator |
| Use a Property Target Easing Interpolator when you want to create a smooth transition between the current value of a property and a value that you set dynamically. More...
class | PropertyTargetEasingTimeline |
| Property Target Easing Timeline interpolates a property gradually from its old value to a new value using an easing curve each time a new value is set to the property. More...
class | PropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlayback |
| Playback for PropertyTargetEasingTimeline. More...
class | PropertyTargetInterpolationTimeline |
| Property target interpolation timeline is a timeline that gradually interpolates specified property from its old value to new one each time new value is set to the property. More...
class | PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback |
| Playback for property target interpolation timeline. More...
class | PropertyTargetInterpolator |
| Use a Property Target Interpolator when you want to dynamically set the target value of a property and want to interpolate the current value to the target value over time. More...
class | PropertyType |
| An instance of a PropertyType represents a single property type in the Kanzi property system. More...
class | PropertyType< Type, typename enable_if< is_enum< Type >::value >::type > |
| Specialization for PropertyType for enums. See PropertyType. More...
class | PropertyTypeDescriptor |
| PropertyTypeDescriptor is used internally by the property system to implement all operations required for property types that have the same data type. More...
struct | PropertyTypeEditorInfo |
| Editor information for metadata. More...
class | QnxLogger |
class | QuadDescription |
| Use QuadDescription to create renderable quad geometry. More...
struct | QuadraticEasingFunction |
| Changes the value based on the square of time using the function f(t) = t^2. More...
struct | QuarticEasingFunction |
| Changes the value based on the 4th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^4. More...
class | Quaternion |
| Quaternions represent rotation around an axis, defined by quaternion components x, y, z and w. More...
struct | QuaternionLongerPath |
| Quaternion for interpolating rotation along longer path. More...
struct | QuinticEasingFunction |
| Changes the value based on the 5th order polynomial using the function f(t) = t^5. More...
class | RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor |
| Runs a binary operation for each value in a range in sequence. More...
class | RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a RangeAccumulateBindingProcessor. More...
class | RangeBindingProcessor |
| Range binding processor is a binding processor for accessing properties from property objects in ranges. More...
class | RangeBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a RangeBindingProcessor. More...
class | RangeConcept |
| RangeConcept represents a number range with an optional step. More...
class | RangeConceptImpl |
class | Ray |
| Ray can be mathematically defined as a point (the origin of the ray in space) and a direction. More...
struct | RayBoxIntersection |
| Stores the result of an intersection between a box and a ray. More...
class | ReadOnlyDiskFile |
| Implements the File interface for files residing on a disk. More...
class | ReadOnlyMemoryFile |
| The ReadOnlyMemoryFile class provides a (read-only) file interface to a block of memory. More...
class | Rectangle |
| 2-dimensional integer rectangle. More...
class | ReferenceCountScopeGuard |
| Reference count scope guard. More...
class | RelativeNodeResolver |
| Enables you to get the current node in relative path. More...
class | Renderbuffer |
| Renderbuffers provide the images that can be rendered to by attaching them to the framebuffer as color or depth stencil images. More...
class | RenderEntry3D |
| Host container for render states for 3D rendering. More...
class | RenderEntryRegistry |
| Registry used to keep track of DrawObjectsRenderPass objects that contain render entries. More...
class | Renderer |
class | Renderer3D |
| Renderer is the core component for assigning lights, meshes, cameras, skin animations etc. to lower level rendering. More...
class | RendererStatisticsScope |
class | RenderPass |
| RenderPass is the base class for Kanzi render passes. More...
class | RenderPassPrefab |
| Use render pass prefabs to create render pass trees that define how Kanzi renders 3D content in your project. More...
class | RenderPassTemplate |
| Use RenderPassTemplate to instantiate a single render pass. More...
class | RenderPassView |
| Use the Render Pass View to instantiate a RenderPassPrefab. More...
class | RenderPropertyBindingSource |
| Render property binding source. More...
class | RenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for RenderPropertyBindingSource. More...
class | RenderPropertyExpressionValueSource |
| Render property expression value source. More...
class | RenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for render property expression value source. More...
class | RenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler |
| Render value updater for render state. More...
class | RenderValueBindingTargetRuntime |
| Runtime for render value binding target. More...
class | Resource |
| Represents the base class for all resources. More...
class | ResourceBindingProcessor |
| Resource binding processor creates a resource reference that is used to resolve a string into a resource. More...
class | ResourceBindingProcessorRuntime |
| Holds the runtime state of a ResourceBindingProcessor. More...
class | ResourceBindingSource |
| Resource binding source. More...
class | ResourceBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class | ResourceDictionary |
| A resource dictionary is a container that maps resource IDs to resources. More...
class | ResourceDictionarySelector |
| A resource dictionary selector is a type of a resource dictionary that redirects resource queries to its only nested dictionary. More...
class | ResourceID |
| Resource ID. More...
class | ResourceLoaderFactory |
| Factory for resource loader tasks. More...
struct | ResourceLoaderThreadContext |
| Resource loader thread local data. More...
class | ResourceManager |
| Use the resource manager to access and use resources in kzb files. More...
class | ResourceProfiler |
| The resource profiler. More...
class | ResourceProfilingAcquireContext |
| The profiling context of resource acquirement. More...
class | ResourceProfilingAttributes |
| Container for resource profiling attributes. More...
class | ResourceProfilingContext |
| The resource profiling context. More...
class | ResourceProfilingContextFactory |
| Resource profiling context factory. More...
class | ResourceProfilingDataSample |
| The resource profiling data sample. More...
class | ResourceProfilingDeployContext |
| The profiling context of resource deployment. More...
class | ResourceProfilingLoadContext |
| The profiling context of resource loading. More...
class | ResourceProfilingLoadTask |
| Resource profiling wrapper for load task. More...
class | ResourceProfilingMainLoopContext |
| The main loop resource profiling context. More...
struct | ResourceProfilingPtreePopulator |
| Resource profiling ptree populator. More...
class | ResourceReference |
class | Sampler |
| Sampler provides the sampling parameters, such as minification and magnification filters, mipmap mode, and texture addressing mode for textures. More...
class | Scene |
| Scene is a 3D node that is the root node for other 3D nodes. More...
class | SceneGraphTimelinePlaybackContext |
| Helper class to resolve objects for animation timelines. More...
class | ScopedRefCounter |
| Scoped reference counter, which takes an unsigned integer value as argument on construction to track. More...
class | ScopeValue |
| ScopeValue template class sets a value to a variable of Type for the lifetime of the ScopeValue object, and restores the previous value of the variable when destroyed. More...
class | Screen |
| The screen represents the metrics of the target device and acts as the root node for the whole node tree. More...
class | ScrollView2D |
| Use the Scroll View 2D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures. More...
class | ScrollView3D |
| Use the Scroll View 3D node to create an input plane to enable user input from gestures. More...
class | ScrollViewConcept |
| ScrollViewConcept is the base class that provides the functionality for the ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D classes. More...
class | ScrollViewConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for ScrollViewConcept. More...
class | SetPropertyAction |
| SetPropertyAction sets the value of a property of a target node based on: More...
class | ShaderProgram |
| ShaderProgram defines programmable vertex and fragment operations done by the GPU for a draw call. More...
struct | ShaderTextureUniform |
| Specifies single texture uniform entry. More...
class | ShaderVertexAttribute |
| ShaderVertexAttribute describes the attributes that shader program will read when executed by graphics device. More...
class | ShadowEffect2D |
| Use ShadowEffect2D to apply drop- and inner-shadow post-processing effects to 2D nodes. More...
class | ShadowEffectRenderer2D |
| Shadow effect renderer class. More...
class | SharedImmutableString |
| Shared immutable string container. More...
struct | SineEasingFunction |
| Changes the value with a sine formula. More...
class | Slider2D |
| Use the Slider 2D node as a building block for a 2D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value. More...
class | Slider2DConceptImpl |
class | Slider3D |
| Use the Slider 3D node as a building block for a 3D UI control that lets the application user change a numerical value using a visual indicator between a minimum and a maximum value. More...
class | Slider3DConceptImpl |
class | SliderConcept |
| SliderConcept contains the trajectory ResourceID property. More...
class | SliderTrajectoryPresenter |
struct | SmootherStepEasingFunction |
| Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity. More...
struct | SmoothStepEasingFunction |
| Changes the value quickly without instant changes in velocity. More...
class | SortByShaderObjectSource |
| Sort by shader object source. More...
class | SortByShaderObjectSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for sort by shader object source. More...
class | SortByZObjectSource |
| Z-sorting object source. More...
class | SortByZObjectSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for z-sort object source. More...
class | SortObjectSource |
| Sort object source. More...
class | SortObjectSourceRuntime |
| Base class for sort runtime classes. More...
class | span |
class | SpeedMeasurer |
| Speed measurer estimates the rate of change from a series of measurements. More...
class | Spline |
| Spline is a piecewise polynomial curve that defines a path in a 3-dimensional space. More...
class | SplitStringRange |
| SplitStringRange is a range that iteratively performs a string split. More...
class | SRTValue2D |
| A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 2D space. More...
class | SRTValue3D |
| A structure that describes the scale, rotation and translation transformation in 3D space. More...
class | SRTValue3DLongerPath |
class | StackLayout2D |
| Stack Layout 2D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty. More...
class | StackLayout3D |
| Stack Layout 3D arranges its items on a line along the axis you specify in the DirectionProperty. More...
class | StackLayoutConcept |
| Stack layout concept base class. More...
class | StackLayoutConceptImpl |
| Stack layout concept implementation base class. More...
struct | Stage |
| Stage instances represent a Stage in the Kanzi main loop. More...
class | StandardMaterial |
| Contains property types of Standard material. More...
class | StandardPbrMaterial |
| Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders. More...
class | StartupProfilerRegistry |
| The registry of startup profilers. More...
class | StateManager |
| State manager for managing states of nodes or application. More...
struct | StepEasingFunction |
| Changes the value instantly. More...
class | StopWatch |
| Stop watch is a class for measuring time. More...
class | Style |
| Style applying properties, node components and bindings to nodes. More...
class | Surface |
| Surfaces provide images for Framebuffers where to render to. More...
class | Tag |
| Tag represents a mark that can be added to a node to mark that the node is of certain kind. More...
class | TagFilter |
| Use the Tag Filter to collect 3D nodes that have a specific tag assigned. More...
class | TagFilterRuntime |
| Runtime for tag filter. More...
class | TargetPreviewPlugin |
| Target preview plugin allows Kanzi Studio to remotely apply UI scene changes to the application. More...
class | TaskDispatcher |
| Task dispatcher. More...
class | TaskDispatcherBase |
| Base class for TaskDispatcher implementation. More...
class | TextBlock2D |
| Text Block 2D displays a small amount of text in 2D. More...
class | TextBlock3D |
| Text Block 3D displays a small amount of text in 3D. More...
class | TextBlockConcept |
| Base class for the Text Block nodes that you can use to show a small amount of text in your application. More...
class | TextBlockConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for TextBlockConcept. More...
class | TextBox2D |
| TextBox2D provides the required overrides to handle 2D rendering and gesture handling for the 2D text input. More...
struct | TextBox2DTraits |
class | TextBox3D |
| TextBox3D provides the required overrides to handle 3D rendering and gesture handling for the 3D text input. More...
struct | TextBox3DTraits |
class | TextBoxConcept |
| Use the Text Box nodes to add single-line text input to your application. More...
class | TextBoxConceptImpl |
| TextBoxConceptImpl is an abstract class for implementing the Text Box node concept. More...
class | TextBreakIterator |
class | TextConcept |
| TextConcept is the base class for the nodes that implement text rendering. More...
class | TextConceptImpl |
| TextConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for text rendering nodes. More...
class | TextEditBuffer |
| TextEditBuffer is a model for text input. More...
class | TextFormat |
| Text format combines the data required for text layouting and the data required for rendering the text. More...
struct | TextInputGesture |
| The text input key gesture. More...
class | TextInputLayout |
| Use TextInputLayout to precalculate information on text layout properties, such as glyph directionality, width, buffer index to glyph mapping, and so on. More...
class | TextInputManipulator |
| The text input manipulator handles key gestures used with TextBox nodes to move the cursor, select text, and delete text, and provides the basics of text editing capabilities in Kanzi. More...
struct | TextLayout |
| Structure for layout of arbitrary number of characters for text rendering. More...
class | TextLayouter |
| Use the TextLayouter to create layouts for display text strings, including line breaks, bidirectional text shaping, and similar. More...
class | TextManager |
| Use the TextManager class to: More...
class | TextResource |
| Text resource. More...
class | TextShaper |
| TextShaper encapsulates different shaping libraries, used by TextLayouter to perform BiDi layouting, text shaping and glyph substitution. More...
class | Texture |
| Textures provide images that can be used with image nodes, texture brushes and materials for use in 3D rendering or material brushes. More...
class | TextureBrush |
| Texture brush class. More...
class | TextureBrushRenderer |
| Texture brush renderer class. More...
class | TextureSwizzleMask |
| Use the texture swizzle mask to reorder the color channel values returned by the texture function in a shader. More...
struct | TimeInterval |
| Interval in time specified as start and end timestamps. More...
class | Timeline |
| The Kanzi animation system consists of animations and timelines: animations define how the values of specific type change in time, and timelines map the animations to properties of objects you want to animate. More...
class | TimelineClock |
| Use TimelineClock to update a Timeline based on time. More...
class | TimelinePlayback |
| Playback object for Timelines. More...
class | TimelinePlaybackContext |
| Use TimelinePlaybackContext helper interface class to defines the context of an animation playback. More...
class | TimelineResource |
| A Resource wrapper class for animation timelines. More...
class | TimerTrigger |
| Use the TimerTrigger to execute actions at the time interval that you set with the IntervalProperty. More...
class | ToggleButton2D |
| Use the Toggle Button 2D node to create a 2D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states. More...
class | ToggleButton3D |
| Use the Toggle Button 3D node to create a 3D UI control that the user can interact with through clicking, tapping, or pressing a keyboard key, and that has multiple toggle states. More...
class | ToggleButtonGroup2D |
| Toggle Button Group 2D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive. More...
class | ToggleButtonGroup3D |
| Toggle Button Group 3D allows users of your application to select only one option from a set of options that are mutually exclusive. More...
class | ToggleButtonGroupConcept |
| Use a Toggle Button Group to control a collection of Toggle Buttons so that only one Toggle Button can be toggled on at a time. More...
class | ToggleButtonGroupConceptImpl |
| Implementation class for ToggleButtonGroupConcept. More...
class | ToSourceBinding |
| To Source bindings are one-way bindings that have an extra source to which to write the result value. More...
class | ToSourceBindingRuntime |
| Runtime for ToSourceBinding. More...
class | TouchEvent |
| The event holds the information about a touch event occurrence. More...
struct | TouchPoint |
| The structure describes the attributes for a touch point or mouse hit. More...
struct | TouchPointIdEquals |
| Helper predicate functor which you can use to search for a touch point within a touch point container using the identifier of a touch point. More...
struct | TouchPointStateEquals |
| Helper predicate functor which you can use to search within a touch point container using the state of a touch point. More...
class | Trajectory |
| Trajectory defines a series of points following a geometrical path. More...
class | Trajectory2DInputHandler |
class | Trajectory2DInputLogic |
class | Trajectory3DInputHandler |
class | Trajectory3DInputLogic |
class | TrajectoryLayout2D |
| Trajectory Layout 2D arranges its items along a trajectory. More...
class | TrajectoryLayout3D |
| Trajectory Layout 3D arranges its items along a trajectory. More...
class | TrajectoryLayoutConcept |
| Base class for TrajectoryLayout classes. More...
class | TrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl |
| TrajectoryLayoutConceptImpl provides the common base implementation for Trajectory Layout nodes. More...
class | TrajectoryListBox3D |
| Use the Trajectory List Box 3D node to create scrollable lists of items arranged along a Trajectory. More...
class | TrajectoryListBox3DTraits |
class | Trigger |
| Trigger is the base class for defining events, conditions and actions for content-driven logic programming. More...
class | TriggerTemplate |
| TriggerTemplate is the base class for trigger templates. More...
class | TrySetFocusAction |
| Use the TrySetFocusAction action to transfer focus to any focusable item in a node tree. More...
class | TwoWayBinding |
| Two-way binding causes changes to either the source value or the target value to automatically update the other. More...
class | TwoWayBindingRuntime |
| Runtime for two-way binding. More...
class | TypedManualBindingSourceRuntime |
| Typed runtime for manual binding source. More...
class | TypedManualBindingTargetRuntime |
| Typed runtime for manual binding target. More...
class | TypedMessageBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for message binding source. More...
class | TypedMessageBindingTargetRuntime |
| Typed runtime for message binding target. More...
class | TypedObjectPropertyBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for object property binding source. More...
class | TypedObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Typed runtime for object property expression value source. More...
class | TypedPropertyModifierBindingTargetRuntime |
| Specialized binding target for property modifiers installed to objects. More...
class | TypedRenderPropertyBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for render property binding source. More...
class | TypedRenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Typed runtime for render property expression value source. More...
class | TypedRenderStatePropertyNotificationHandler |
| Specialized property notification handler for render state. More...
class | TypedRenderStateRangePropertyNotificationHandler |
| Specialized notification handler for render state. More...
class | TypedRenderValueBindingTargetRuntime |
| Typed runtime for render value binding target. More...
class | TypedValueRange |
| TypedValueRange is a template class for holding one type of object in a range. More...
class | TypedValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime |
| Specialized binding target for value sources where the binding target itself is the value source. More...
class | TypedVariableBindingSourceRuntime |
| Typed runtime for variable binding source. More...
class | TypedVariableBindingTargetRuntime |
| Typed runtime for variable binding target. More...
class | TypedVariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Typed runtime for variable expression value source. More...
class | UnableToOpenFileException |
| Kanzi throws this exception when it tries to load a file that cannot be opened or does not exist. More...
class | UsingIntrusivePtr |
| Class that should be inherited by objects using intrusive_ptr. More...
class | ValueAccumulatorBase |
| ValueAccumulatorBase is the base class for the Value Accumulator implementations for different data types. More...
class | ValueAccumulatorTimeline |
| Use ValueAccumulatorTimeline to create an animation that continuously adds the value of the input property to the target property. More...
class | ValueAccumulatorTimelinePlayback |
| Playback for ValueAccumulatorTimeline. More...
class | ValueAnimation |
| Interface template for value animations. More...
class | ValueBindingSource |
| Constant value as binding source. More...
class | ValueBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for ValueBindingSource. More...
class | ValueControlledExclusiveActivityHostConcept |
| Base class for the Exclusive Activity Host classes. More...
class | ValueRange |
| ValueRange is an abstract range implementation that stores variant values. More...
class | ValueSourceBindingTargetRuntime |
| Base class for value source binding target runtimes. More...
class | VariableBindingHost |
| Binding variable host. More...
class | VariableBindingSource |
| Variable binding source. More...
class | VariableBindingSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for variable binding source. More...
class | VariableBindingTargetRuntime |
| Variable binding target runtime. More...
class | VariableExpressionValueSource |
| Variable expression value source. More...
class | VariableExpressionValueSourceRuntime |
| Runtime for variable expression value source. More...
struct | Variant |
| Union container for manipulating an object from a heterogeneous set of types in a uniform manner. More...
class | Vector2 |
| Vector with 2 floating point components: (x, y). More...
class | Vector3 |
| Vector with 3 floating point components: (x, y, z). More...
class | Vector4 |
| Vector with 4 floating point components: (x, y, z, w). More...
class | VertexAttribute |
| Base class for the vertex and instance attributes of mesh and shader program. More...
class | Viewport2D |
| Use a Viewport 2D to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected. More...
class | Viewport3D |
| Use the Viewport 3D node to render 2D nodes in 3D space. More...
class | ViewRange |
| View over another range. More...
class | ViewRangeImpl |
| View range internal implementation class. More...
class | VisitorFunction |
| Wraps a focus scope visitor function into a FocusScopeVisitor. More...
class | VulkanGraphicsOutput |
| VulkanGraphicsOutput class. More...
class | Watermark |
| Watermark. More...
class | Win32DebugLogger |
| This logger class writes log messages to the Windows debugger console. More...
class | WindowedGraphicsOutput |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput class. More...
class | WindowEvent |
| The WindowEvent class holds window specific events. More...
class | WindowPlacementRequestEvent |
| Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowPlacementRequest type. More...
class | WindowRedrawRequestEvent |
| Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowRedrawRequest type. More...
class | WindowResizedEvent |
| Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResized type. More...
class | WindowResizeRequestEvent |
| Specialized window event with InputEvent::WindowResizeRequest type. More...
class | WindowsIme |
class | WindowsImeBackend |
class | WriteLogAction |
| Use the WriteLogAction class to attach logging functionality to a trigger. More...
class | WriteOnlyDiskFile |
| Implements the File interface for writing files to a disk. More...
using | AbstractAnimationSharedPtr |
using | AbstractBindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| AbstractBindingRuntime shared pointer type.
using | AbstractBindingRuntimeWeakPtr |
| AbstractBindingRuntime weak pointer type.
using | AbstractBindingSharedPtr |
| Abstract binding shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< AbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntime > | AbstractExpressionValueSourceRuntimePtr |
| Abstract expression value source unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractExpressionValueSource > | AbstractExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr |
| Abstract expression value source shared pointer type.
using | AbstractIndexedRangeSharedPtr |
| AbstractIndexedRange shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< AbstractLogger > | AbstractLoggerUniquePtr |
| Typedef of the kanzi::AbstractLogger unique pointer.
typedef ProfilerRegistry< AbstractProfiler > | AbstractProfilerRegistry |
| AbstractProfilerRegistry declaration.
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractProfiler > | AbstractProfilerSharedPtr |
| The shared pointer to the abstract profiler source.
typedef shared_ptr< AbstractPropertyNotificationHandler > | AbstractPropertyNotificationHandlerSharedPtr |
| Abstract property notification handler shared pointer.
using | AbstractRangeLocationPtr |
| AbstractRangeLocation unique pointer type.
using | AbstractRangeSharedPtr |
| Abstract range shared pointer type.
using | AbstractRangeWeakPtr |
| Abstract range weak pointer type.
using | ActionBaseSharedPtr |
using | ActionBaseWeakPtr |
using | ActionConstIterator |
using | ActionContainer |
using | ActionSharedPtr |
using | ActionWeakPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Activity2D > | Activity2DSharedPtr |
| Activity2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< Activity3D > | Activity3DSharedPtr |
| Activity3D shared pointer.
using | ActivityBrowserControllerSharedPtr |
| ActivityBrowserController shared pointer.
using | ActivityCodeBehindSharedPtr |
| ActivityCodeBehind shared pointer.
using | ActivityElementSharedPtr |
using | AnimationBindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
| AnimationBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | AnimationBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| Animation binding processor shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< AnimationPlayer > | AnimationPlayerSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< AnimationResource > | AnimationResourceSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< AppliedStyleEntry > | AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr |
| AppliedStyleEntry shared pointer type.
using | ApplyActionSharedPtr |
using | ApplyActivationActionSharedPtr |
using | ApplyPropertyActionSharedPtr |
typedef map< string, int > | AttributeNameToIndex |
typedef AttributeNameToIndex::const_iterator | AttributeNameToIndexConstIterator |
typedef AttributeNameToIndex::iterator | AttributeNameToIndexIterator |
using | BinaryResourceSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< BindingBase > | BindingBaseSharedPtr |
typedef bool(* | BindingExpressionFunction) (BindingExpressionOpCodeParameters ¶ms) |
| Expression function pointer type.
using | BindingHostConceptSharedPtr |
using | BindingHostConceptWeakPtr |
using | BindingLookupContextPtr |
| BindingLookupContext unique pointer type.
using | BindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
| BindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | BindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| BindingProcessor shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< BindingRuntime > | BindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| BindingRuntime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< Binding > | BindingSharedPtr |
| Binding shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< BindingSource > | BindingSourcePtr |
| Binding source unique pointer type.
using | BindingSourceRuntimePtr |
| Binding source runtime pointer type.
using | BindingTargetRuntimePtr |
| Binding target runtime unique pointer type.
using | BindingTokenSharedPtr |
using | BindingTokenUniquePtr |
using | BindingTokenWeakPtr |
using | BitmapFontLoaderPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< BitmapImage > | BitmapImageSharedPtr |
| Image shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< BitmapImage > | BitmapImageUniquePtr |
| Image unique pointer type.
typedef vector< BitmapImageUniquePtr > | BitmapImageVector |
| Image shared pointer vector type.
typedef shared_ptr< BlitRenderPass > | BlitRenderPassSharedPtr |
| BlitRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | BlurEffect2DSharedPtr |
| Blur effect shared pointer type.
using | BlurEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr |
| Blur effect renderer unique pointer type.
using | BoolAnimation |
using | BoolAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< bool > | BoolKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< BoolKeyframeAnimation > | BoolKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef FromToAnimation< bool, LinearEasingFunction > | BoolLinearFromToAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< BoolLinearFromToAnimation > | BoolLinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr |
using | BrushRendererPtr |
| Brush renderer unique pointer.
using | BrushSharedPtr |
| Brush shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< BufferObjectStream > | BufferObjectStreamSharedPtr |
using | Button2DSharedPtr |
using | Button3DSharedPtr |
typedef unsigned char | byte |
using | ByteSpan |
| ByteSpan refers to contiguous sequence of bytes.
using | CallbackBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| CallbackBindingProcessor shared pointer type.
using | CallbackProcessorRuntimePtr |
| CallbackProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | CameraSharedPtr |
| CameraNode shared pointer.
using | CameraWeakPtr |
| CameraNode weak pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ClearRenderPass > | ClearRenderPassSharedPtr |
| ClearRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | ClickManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
using | ClickManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< CodeBehindRegisterGuard > | CodeBehindRegisterGuardSharedPtr |
| CodeBehindRegisterGuard shared pointer.
using | CodeBehindSharedPtr |
| CodeBehind shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ColorBrush > | ColorBrushSharedPtr |
using | ColorRGBAAnimation |
using | ColorRGBAAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< ColorRGBA > | ColorRGBAKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< ColorRGBAKeyframeAnimation > | ColorRGBAKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef FromToAnimation< ColorRGBA, LinearEasingFunction > | ColorRGBALinearFromToAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< ColorRGBALinearFromToAnimation > | ColorRGBALinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr |
using | CombinerObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Combiner object source runtime shared pointer type.
using | CombinerObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Combiner object source shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< CompositionBrush > | CompositionBrushSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< CompositionStack > | CompositionStackPtr |
| Composition stack shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< CompositionTargetRenderPass > | CompositionTargetRenderPassSharedPtr |
| CompositionTargetRenderPass shared pointer type.
template<bool B, typename T , typename F > |
using | conditional_t |
using | ConditionConstIterator |
using | ConditionContainer |
using | ConditionSharedPtr |
using | ConstByteSpan |
| ConstByteSpan refers to constant contiguous sequence of bytes.
using | ConstCharArrayUniquePtr |
| Alias for a unique_ptr to array of const char.
using | ContainsPropertyFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Contains property node filter runtime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ContainsPropertyFilter > | ContainsPropertyFilterSharedPtr |
| Contains Property Filter shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ContentBrush > | ContentBrushSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer type.
using | ContentLayout2DSharedPtr |
using | ContentLayout3DSharedPtr |
using | CubeMapRenderPassSharedPtr |
| CubeMapRenderPass shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< CurveReparametrization > | CurveReparametrizationPtr |
| CurveReparametrization unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< DataContext > | DataContextSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D > | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2DSharedPtr |
| DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D > | DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3DSharedPtr |
| DataDrivenExclusiveActivityHost3D shared pointer.
using | DataObjectBoolSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DataObjectEnumBase > | DataObjectEnumBaseSharedPtr |
using | DataObjectIntSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DataObjectList > | DataObjectListSharedPtr |
using | DataObjectRealSharedPtr |
using | DataObjectSharedPtr |
| DataObject shared pointer type.
using | DataObjectStringSharedPtr |
using | DataObjectWeakPtr |
| DataObject weak pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceExpressionValueSource > | DataSourceExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr |
| DataSourceExpressionValueSource shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceListItemGenerator2D > | DataSourceListItemGenerator2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DataSourceListItemGenerator3D > | DataSourceListItemGenerator3DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DataSource > | DataSourceSharedPtr |
typedef weak_ptr< DataSource > | DataSourceWeakPtr |
using | DataTriggerComponentSharedPtr |
using | DataTriggerSharedPtr |
using | DataTriggerTemplateConstSharedPtr |
using | DataTriggerTemplateSharedPtr |
typedef boost::mt19937 | default_random_engine |
typedef shared_ptr< DispatchMessageAction > | DispatchMessageActionSharedPtr |
using | DistanceFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | DistanceFilterSharedPtr |
| Distance filter shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< DockLayout2D > | DockLayout2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DockLayout3D > | DockLayout3DSharedPtr |
| DockLayout shared pointer.
using | DragAndDropManipulatorSharedPtr |
using | DrawObjectsRenderPassSharedPtr |
| DrawObjectsRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | DrawObjectsRenderPassWeakPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass > | DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPassSharedPtr |
| DrawObjectsWithMaterialRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | EffectStack2DSharedPtr |
| Effect stack shared pointer type.
using | EffectStackRenderer2DUniquePtr |
typedef shared_ptr< EmptyNode2D > | EmptyNode2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< EmptyNode3D > | EmptyNode3DSharedPtr |
using | EventSourceSharedPtr |
| EventSource shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ExclusiveActivityHost2D > | ExclusiveActivityHost2DSharedPtr |
| ExclusiveActivityHost2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ExclusiveActivityHost3D > | ExclusiveActivityHost3DSharedPtr |
| ExclusiveActivityHost3D shared pointer.
using | ExecuteLuaActionSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBindingProcessor > | ExpressionBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| Expression binding processor shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBindingRuntime > | ExpressionBindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| ExpressionBindingRuntime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionBinding > | ExpressionBindingSharedPtr |
| ExpressionBinding shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ExpressionCondition > | ExpressionConditionSharedPtr |
using | FilterObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Filter object source runtime shared pointer type.
using | FilterObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Filter object source shared pointer type.
using | FloatAnimation |
using | FloatAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef FromToAnimation< float, function< float(float)> > | FloatCustomFromToAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< FloatCustomFromToAnimation > | FloatCustomFromToAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< float > | FloatKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< FloatKeyframeAnimation > | FloatKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef FromToAnimation< float, LinearEasingFunction > | FloatLinearFromToAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< FloatLinearFromToAnimation > | FloatLinearFromToAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< FloatValueAccumulator > | FloatValueAccumulatorSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< FlowLayout2D > | FlowLayout2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< FlowLayout3D > | FlowLayout3DSharedPtr |
| FlowLayout shared pointer.
using | FocusNavigationManipulatorSharedPtr |
using | FocusScopePtr |
using | FontEnginePluginSharedPtr |
using | FontFamilySharedPtr |
using | FontFileSharedPtr |
using | FontLoaderPtr |
using | FontRuntimeSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ForwardingAction > | ForwardingActionSharedPtr |
using | ForwardingApplyActionSharedPtr |
using | FramebufferPtr |
using | FramebufferSharedPtr |
| Framebuffer shared pointer type.
using | FrustumCullFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | FrustumCullFilterSharedPtr |
| Frustum cull filter shared pointer type.
using | GatherLightsRenderPassSharedPtr |
| GatherLightsRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | GatherNearestLightsRenderPassSharedPtr |
| GatherLightsRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | GeometrySharedPtr |
| Geometry shared pointer type.
using | GLGraphicsOutputSharedPtr |
| GLGraphicsOutput shared pointer type.
using | GLSwizzleMask |
using | GlyphCacheManagerPtr |
using | GlyphCacheSharedPtr |
| Glyph cache shared pointer type.
using | GlyphCacheUniquePtr |
| Glyph cache unique pointer type.
using | GlyphKey |
| Key type of a glyph cache map.
using | GPUBufferUniquePtr |
using | GraphicsOutputSharedPtr |
| GraphicsOutput shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< GridLayout2D > | GridLayout2DSharedPtr |
| GridLayout2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< GridLayout3D > | GridLayout3DSharedPtr |
| GridLayout3D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< GridListBox2D > | GridListBox2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< GridListBox3D > | GridListBox3DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Image2D > | Image2DSharedPtr |
| Image2D shared pointer type.
using | ImmutableIteratorRangeSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer type for ImmutableIteratorRange.
using | ImmutableSplitStringRangeSharedPtr |
| Immutable split string range shared pointer type.
using | IndexedPropertyAccessRangeSharedPtr |
| Indexed property access range shared pointer type.
using | IndexedViewRangeSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< InputManipulator > | InputManipulatorBaseSharedPtr |
using | InputManipulatorSharedPtr |
using | InputManipulatorWeakPtr |
using | InputMethodBackendSharedPtr |
using | InputMethodSharedPtr |
using | InputMethodWeakPtr |
using | Instantiator3DSharedPtr |
| Instantiator3DNode shared pointer.
using | InstructionBindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
using | IntAnimation |
using | IntAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef ProfilerRegistry< IntervalProfiler > | IntervalProfilerRegistry |
| The interval profiler registry type.
typedef shared_ptr< IntervalProfiler > | IntervalProfilerSharedPtr |
| The shared pointer to the interval profiler.
typedef KeyframeAnimation< int > | IntKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< IntKeyframeAnimation > | IntKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< IntValueAccumulator > | IntValueAccumulatorSharedPtr |
using | IteratorRangeSharedPtr |
| Iterator iterator shared pointer type.
using | IteratorRangeWeakPtr |
| Iterator iterator weak pointer type.
using | ItypeThaiDictionarySharedPtr |
using | JNI_CreateJavaVMPtr |
using | JNI_GetCreatedJavaVMsPtr |
using | KeyManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< KeyManipulator > | KeyManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef struct TouchPoint | KzuInputTouchPoint |
using | LegacyGraphicsOutputSharedPtr |
| LegacyGraphicsOutput shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< LegacyRenderPass > | LegacyRenderPassSharedPtr |
| LegacyRenderpass shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< LevelOfDetail3D > | LevelOfDetail3DSharedPtr |
| LevelOfDetail3D shared pointer type.
using | LightSharedPtr |
| Light shared pointer type.
using | LightWeakPtr |
| Light weak pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemContainer2D > | ListBoxItemContainer2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemContainer3D > | ListBoxItemContainer3DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemGenerator2D > | ListBoxItemGenerator2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ListBoxItemGenerator3D > | ListBoxItemGenerator3DSharedPtr |
using | LongPressManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
using | LongPressManipulatorSharedPtr |
using | LuaInstancePtr |
using | MainLoopProfilerSharedPtr |
| Alias for shared pointer to Main Loop Profiler.
using | MainLoopProfilingScopeToken |
| Alias for token used to identify a main loop profiling scope.
using | MainLoopTaskToken |
| Type alias for an opaque handle to a MainLoopScheduler task.
using | MainLoopTimerToken |
| Type alias for an opaque handle to a MainLoopScheduler timer.
typedef shared_ptr< ManualBindingRuntime > | ManualBindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| ManualBindingRuntime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ManualBinding > | ManualBindingSharedPtr |
| Manual binding shared pointer type.
using | MaskEffect2DSharedPtr |
| Mask effect shared pointer type.
using | MaskEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr |
| Mask effect renderer unique pointer type.
using | MaterialBrushSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer definition.
typedef shared_ptr< MaterialSetupRenderPass > | MaterialSetupRenderPassSharedPtr |
| MaterialSetupRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | MaterialSharedPtr |
| Material shared pointer type.
using | MaterialWeakPtr |
| Material shared pointer type.
typedef vector< MeshVertexAttribute > | MeshAttributeCollection |
typedef MeshAttributeCollection::const_iterator | MeshAttributeCollectionConstIterator |
typedef MeshAttributeCollection::iterator | MeshAttributeCollectionIterator |
typedef shared_ptr< const Mesh > | MeshConstSharedPtr |
using | MeshSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< MessageTrigger > | MessageTriggerSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< MetaObject > | MetaObjectSharedPtr |
| MetaObject shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< Model3D > | Model3DSharedPtr |
| Model3D shared pointer type.
using | ModuleSharedPtr |
using | MorphRuntimePtr |
| Morph runtime unique pointer type.
using | MorphSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< MorphWeightTimelinePlayback > | MorphWeightTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
using | MorphWeightTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< MoveFocusAction > | MoveFocusActionSharedPtr |
using | MultiClickManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
using | MultiClickManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef int | NativeEventHandle |
typedef Texture * | NativeFramebufferHandle |
typedef void * | NativeTextureHandle |
using | NavigationManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
using | NavigationManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< NinePatchImage2D > | NinePatchImage2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Node2D const > | Node2DConstSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Node2D > | Node2DSharedPtr |
typedef weak_ptr< Node2D > | Node2DWeakPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< const Node3D > | Node3DConstSharedPtr |
| Node3D const shared pointer type.
using | Node3DSharedPtr |
| Node3D shared pointer type.
using | Node3DWeakPtr |
| Node3D weak pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponent const > | NodeComponentConstSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponent > | NodeComponentSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponentTemplate const > | NodeComponentTemplateConstSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< NodeComponentTemplate > | NodeComponentTemplateSharedPtr |
using | NodeCompositor2DPtr |
| NodeCompositor2D unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< Node const > | NodeConstSharedPtr |
| Alias for shared pointer of const Node.
typedef weak_ptr< Node const > | NodeConstWeakPtr |
| Alias for weak pointer of const Node.
using | NodeEffect2DConstSharedPtr |
using | NodeEffect2DSharedPtr |
using | NodeEffectPrefab2DSharedPtr |
| Node effect prefab shared pointer type.
using | NodeEffectRenderer2DSharedPtr |
using | NodeEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr |
| Node effect unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< NodeEffectTemplate2D > | NodeEffectTemplate2DSharedPtr |
| NodeEffectTemplate2D shared pointer type.
using | NodeListRenderPassSharedPtr |
| NodeListRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | NodeListSharedPtr |
| NodeList shared pointer type.
using | NodeListWeakPtr |
| NodeList weak pointer type.
using | NodeSharedPtr |
| Node shared pointer.
using | NodeVisual2DPtr |
| NodeVisual2D unique pointer type.
using | NodeWeakPtr |
| Alias for weak pointer of Node.
using | NodeWeakPtrContainer |
typedef shared_ptr< NullBrush > | NullBrushSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource > | ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr |
| ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type.
using | ObjectSharedPtr |
| Object shared pointer type.
using | ObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer type for object source runtime.
using | ObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Object source shared pointer type.
using | ObjectSourceWeakPtr |
| Object source weak pointer type.
using | ObjectTypeFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Object type filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | ObjectTypeFilterSharedPtr |
| Object Type Filter shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< OnAttachedTrigger > | OnAttachedTriggerSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< OnPropertyChangedTrigger > | OnPropertyChangedTriggerSharedPtr |
template<typename Type > |
using | OptionalDynamicPropertyType |
using | OutlineEffect2DSharedPtr |
| OutlineEffect2D shared pointer type.
using | OutlineEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr |
| OutlineEffectRenderer2D unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< PageHost > | PageHostSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Page > | PageSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PageTransitionCollection > | PageTransitionCollectionSharedPtr |
typedef weak_ptr< Page > | PageWeakPtr |
using | PanManipulatorComponentSharedPtr |
using | PanManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelActivityHost2D > | ParallelActivityHost2DSharedPtr |
| ParallelActivityHost2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelActivityHost3D > | ParallelActivityHost3DSharedPtr |
| ParallelActivityHost3D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelTimelinePlayback > | ParallelTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ParallelTimeline > | ParallelTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PatchingNotificationHandler > | PatchingNotificationHandlerSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer to PatchingNotificationHandler.
using | PinchManipulatorSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PipelineStateRenderPass > | PipelineStateRenderPassSharedPtr |
| PipelineStateRenderPass shared pointer type.
using | PopupScope |
| Implements the popup scopes.
typedef shared_ptr< Portal > | PortalSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabTemplateNode > | PrefabTemplateNodeSharedPtr |
typedef weak_ptr< PrefabTemplateNode > | PrefabTemplateNodeWeakPtr |
using | PrefabTemplateSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabView2D > | PrefabView2DSharedPtr |
| Prefab view 2D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< PrefabView3D > | PrefabView3DSharedPtr |
| Prefab view 3D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< PreviewTimelinePlayback > | PreviewTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PreviewTimeline > | PreviewTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingLoadTask > | ProfiledLoadTaskSharedPtr |
| Profiled load task shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ProgressiveRenderingViewport2D > | ProgressiveRenderingViewport2DSharedPtr |
using | PropertyAccessRangeSharedPtr |
| Property access range shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyAnimationTimelinePlayback > | PropertyAnimationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyAnimationTimeline > | PropertyAnimationTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef function< void()> | PropertyChangedFunction |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayer > | PropertyDrivenAnimationPlayerSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlayback > | PropertyFieldAnimationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldAnimationTimeline > | PropertyFieldAnimationTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback > | PropertyFieldTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
using | PropertyIsEqualFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Contains property node filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | PropertyIsEqualFilterSharedPtr |
| Property Is Equal Filter shared pointer type.
using | PropertyObjectSharedPtr |
| PropertyObject shared pointer type.
using | PropertyObjectWeakPtr |
| PropertyObject weak pointer type.
using | PropertyTargetEasingInterpolatorSharedPtr |
using | PropertyTargetEasingTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
using | PropertyTargetEasingTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlayback > | PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolationTimeline > | PropertyTargetInterpolationTimelineSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< PropertyTargetInterpolator > | PropertyTargetInterpolatorSharedPtr |
typedef PropertyTypeEditorInfo * | PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr |
using | PropertyTypeRegistry |
| Alias for map of all property types.
using | RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
| RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | RangeAccumulateBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| Iterator begin binding processor shared pointer type.
using | RangeBindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
| RangeBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | RangeBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| RangeBindingProcessor shared pointer type.
typedef tuple< NodeSharedPtr, Ray, float > | RayPickResult |
| RayPick hit test result tuple.
typedef unique_ptr< ReadOnlyDiskFile > | ReadOnlyDiskFileUniquePtr |
using | ReadOnlyMemoryFilePtr |
| ReadOnlyMemoryFile unique pointer type.
typedef Rectangle< float > | RectangleFloat |
| Float type rectangle.
typedef Rectangle< int > | RectangleInteger |
| Integer type rectangle.
using | RenderbufferSharedPtr |
| Renderbuffer shared pointer type.
using | RenderEntry3DPtr |
| Render state association unique pointer type.
using | RendererSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPass const > | RenderPassConstSharedPtr |
| RenderPass const shared pointer type.
using | RenderPassPrefabSharedPtr |
| Render pass template shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPass > | RenderPassSharedPtr |
| RenderPass shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassTemplate > | RenderPassTemplateSharedPtr |
| RenderPassTemplate shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassView > | RenderPassViewSharedPtr |
| RenderPassView shared pointer type.
typedef weak_ptr< RenderPass > | RenderPassWeakPtr |
| RenderPass weak pointer type.
using | RenderPropertyExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr |
| ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type.
using | RenderStatePropertyNotificationHandlerPtr |
| Render state property notification handler unique pointer type.
using | ResourceBindingProcessorRuntimePtr |
| ResourceBindingProcessorRuntime unique pointer type.
using | ResourceBindingProcessorSharedPtr |
| Resource binding processor shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceDictionarySelector > | ResourceDictionarySelectorSharedPtr |
| Resource dictionary selector shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceDictionary > | ResourceDictionarySharedPtr |
| Resource dictionary shared pointer.
using | ResourceIDAnimation |
using | ResourceIDAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< ResourceID > | ResourceIDKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceIDKeyframeAnimation > | ResourceIDKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceManager > | ResourceManagerSharedPtr |
| Resource manager shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< ResourceProfiler > | ResourceProfilerUniquePtr |
| The resource profiler unique ptr type.
typedef unique_ptr< ResourceProfilingContextFactory > | ResourceProfilingContextFactoryUniquePtr |
| The resource profiling context factory unique pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingContext > | ResourceProfilingContextSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ResourceProfilingDataSample > | ResourceProfilingDataSampleSharedPtr |
| Profiled resource shared pointer type.
using | ResourceSharedPtr |
| Resource shared pointer type.
using | ResourceWeakPtr |
| Resource weak pointer type.
using | SceneSharedPtr |
| Scene shared pointer.
using | ScreenSharedPtr |
| Screen shared pointer.
using | ScriptingContextSharedPtr |
| Alias for an opaque handle to the scripting context of an object.
typedef shared_ptr< ScrollView2D > | ScrollView2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< ScrollView3D > | ScrollView3DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< SetPropertyAction > | SetPropertyActionSharedPtr |
typedef vector< ShaderVertexAttribute > | ShaderAttributeCollection |
typedef ShaderAttributeCollection::const_iterator | ShaderAttributeCollectionConstIterator |
typedef ShaderAttributeCollection::iterator | ShaderAttributeCollectionIterator |
using | ShaderProgramSharedPtr |
| Shader program shared pointer type.
typedef unordered_map< ShaderProgram *, vector< int > > | ShaderProgramToAttributeMapSet |
using | ShaderProgramWeakPtr |
| Shader program weak pointer type.
using | ShadowEffect2DSharedPtr |
| Shadow effect shared pointer type.
using | ShadowEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr |
| Shadow effect renderer unique pointer type.
typedef Slider2DConceptImpl< RangeConceptImpl< Node2D, Slider2D >, Slider2DPresenterType, Slider2D > | Slider2DConceptImplType |
typedef SliderTrajectoryPresenter< TrajectoryLayout2D, Slider2D, Trajectory2DInputHandler< TrajectoryLayout2D, Slider2D > > | Slider2DPresenterType |
typedef shared_ptr< Slider2D > | Slider2DSharedPtr |
| Trajectory Slider shared pointer.
typedef Slider3DConceptImpl< RangeConceptImpl< Node3D, Slider3D >, Slider3DPresenterType, Slider3D > | Slider3DConceptImplType |
typedef SliderTrajectoryPresenter< TrajectoryLayout3D, Slider3D, Trajectory3DInputHandler< TrajectoryLayout3D, Slider3D > > | Slider3DPresenterType |
typedef shared_ptr< Slider3D > | Slider3DSharedPtr |
| Trajectory Slider shared pointer.
using | SortByShaderObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | SortByShaderObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Sort object source shared pointer type.
using | SortByZObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Frustum cull filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | SortByZObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Sort object source shared pointer type.
using | SortObjectSourceSharedPtr |
| Sort object source shared pointer type.
typedef unique_ptr< Spline > | SplinePtr |
| Spline unique pointer type.
using | SplitStringRangeSharedPtr |
| Split string range shared pointer type.
using | SRTValue2DAnimation |
using | SRTValue2DAnimationSharedPtr |
using | SRTValue3DAnimation |
using | SRTValue3DAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< StackLayout2D > | StackLayout2DSharedPtr |
| Stack layout shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< StackLayout3D > | StackLayout3DSharedPtr |
| StackLayout shared pointer.
typedef unique_ptr< StartupProfilerRegistry > | StartupProfilerRegistryUniquePtr |
| The startup profiler registry unique ptr type.
typedef shared_ptr< StateManager > | StateManagerSharedPtr |
typedef weak_ptr< StateManager > | StateManagerWeakPtr |
using | StringAnimation |
using | StringAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< string > | StringKeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< StringKeyframeAnimation > | StringKeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Style > | StyleSharedPtr |
| Style shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< Surface > | SurfaceSharedPtr |
| Surface shared pointer type.
using | SystemConfiguration |
typedef vector< string_view > | SystemProperties |
| Read-only values from the system.
using | TagFilterRuntimeSharedPtr |
| Tag filter runtime shared pointer type.
using | TagFilterSharedPtr |
| Tag Filter shared pointer type.
using | TargetPreviewServerSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TextBlock2D > | TextBlock2DSharedPtr |
| TextLayer shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< TextBlock3D > | TextBlock3DSharedPtr |
| TextBlock shared pointer.
using | TextBox2DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TextBox3D > | TextBox3DSharedPtr |
using | TextBreakIteratorObjectPtr |
typedef unique_ptr< TextFormat > | TextFormatPtr |
| Text format unique pointer.
using | TextInputManipulatorSharedPtr |
using | TextManagerShareedPtr |
using | TextManagerUniquePtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TextResource > | TextResourceSharedPtr |
| Text resource shared pointer.
typedef unique_ptr< TextShaper > | TextShaperPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TextureBrush > | TextureBrushSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer definition.
using | TextureSharedPtr |
| Texture shared pointer type.
using | TextureWeakPtr |
typedef std::thread::native_handle_type | ThreadNativeHandleType |
typedef shared_ptr< TimelineClock > | TimelineClockSharedPtr |
using | TimelinePlaybackSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TimelineResource > | TimelineResourceSharedPtr |
using | TimelineSharedPtr |
using | TimePoint |
typedef shared_ptr< TimerTrigger > | TimerTriggerSharedPtr |
using | ToggleButton2DSharedPtr |
using | ToggleButton3DSharedPtr |
using | ToggleButtonGroup2DSharedPtr |
| ToggleButtonGroup2D shared pointer.
using | ToggleButtonGroup3DSharedPtr |
| ToggleButtonGroup3D shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< ToSourceBindingRuntime > | ToSourceBindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| ToSourceBindingRuntime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< ToSourceBinding > | ToSourceBindingSharedPtr |
| ToSourceBinding shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryLayout2D > | TrajectoryLayout2DSharedPtr |
| TrajectoryLayout shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryLayout3D > | TrajectoryLayout3DSharedPtr |
| TrajectoryLayout shared pointer.
typedef shared_ptr< TrajectoryListBox3D > | TrajectoryListBox3DSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Trajectory > | TrajectorySharedPtr |
| Trajectory shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< Trigger > | TriggerSharedPtr |
using | TriggerTemplateConstSharedPtr |
using | TriggerTemplateSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TrySetFocusAction > | TrySetFocusActionSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< TwoWayBindingRuntime > | TwoWayBindingRuntimeSharedPtr |
| TwoWayBindingRuntime shared pointer type.
typedef shared_ptr< TwoWayBinding > | TwoWayBindingSharedPtr |
| TwoWayBinding shared pointer type.
using | TypedFloatValueRange |
using | TypedFloatValueRangeSharedPtr |
typedef unique_ptr< InputEvent > | UniqueEventPtr |
typedef unordered_set< string > | UrlContainer |
using | ValueRangeSharedPtr |
| Value iterator shared pointer type.
using | ValueRangeWeakPtr |
| Value iterator weak pointer type.
using | VariableBindingHostSharedPtr |
| Shared pointer type for variable binding host.
using | VariableExpressionValueSourceSharedPtr |
| ObjectPropertyExpressionValueSource shared pointer type.
using | Vector2Animation |
using | Vector2AnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector2 > | Vector2KeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< Vector2KeyframeAnimation > | Vector2KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
using | Vector3Animation |
using | Vector3AnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector3 > | Vector3KeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< Vector3KeyframeAnimation > | Vector3KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
using | Vector4Animation |
using | Vector4AnimationSharedPtr |
typedef KeyframeAnimation< Vector4 > | Vector4KeyframeAnimation |
typedef shared_ptr< Vector4KeyframeAnimation > | Vector4KeyframeAnimationSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< Viewport2D > | Viewport2DSharedPtr |
| Viewport2D shared pointer type.
using | Viewport3DSharedPtr |
typedef Rectangle< int > | ViewportRectangle |
| Viewport rectangle definition.
using | ViewRangeSharedPtr |
typedef string | Win32String |
typedef string_view | Win32StringView |
using | WindowedGraphicsOutputSharedPtr |
| WindowedGraphicsOutput shared pointer type.
using | WindowsImeSharedPtr |
typedef shared_ptr< WriteLogAction > | WriteLogActionSharedPtr |
typedef unique_ptr< WriteOnlyDiskFile > | WriteOnlyDiskFileUniquePtr |
using | NamedIntervalProfilerSharedPtr |
| The shared pointer to the interval profiler.
using | NamedIntervalProfilerRegistry |
| The interval profiler registry type.
optional< int > | acquireBlendModeRenderValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, Node *node, Brush &brush, Material &material) |
| Specialized acquire of blend mode value.
optional< int > | acquireBlendModeRenderValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, Node *node, PropertyObject *object, Material &material) |
| Acquires the blend mode value.
tuple< FontRuntimeSharedPtr, bool > | acquireFont (const FontRuntimeSharedPtr &runtimeFont, const Node &node) |
| Use this function to check whether a runtimeFont uses the font file and font style required to draw text with the property values of the node.
FontRuntimeSharedPtr | acquireFont (const Node &node) |
| Gets a runtime font object.
void | acquireResources (Domain *domain, Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo) |
| For each cluster in mesh create info, load material from materialURL, if set.
int | acquireUniformLocation (Material &material, string_view name) |
| Acquire uniform location from a material.
template<> |
void | ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Activating > (ActivityElement &activityElement) |
| ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization.
template<> |
void | ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Active > (ActivityElement &activityElement) |
| ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization.
template<> |
void | ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Deactivating > (ActivityElement &activityElement) |
| ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization.
template<> |
void | ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages< ActivityConcept::Status::Inactive > (ActivityElement &activityElement) |
| ActivityStatusAnimationFinishedHandler::sendMessages() specialization.
void | addApplicationPausedEvent (EventQueue &queue) |
| Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationPaused type to the queue.
void | addApplicationSleepEvent (EventQueue &queue) |
| Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationSleep type to the queue.
void | addApplicationWakeupEvent (EventQueue &queue) |
| Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationWakeup type to the queue.
void | addKeyEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, KeyState state) |
| Adds a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers to the queue.
void | addKeyRepeatEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, size_t repeatCount) |
| Adds to the queue a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers, KeyState::Pressed state, and key-press repeatCount.
void | addPointerEvent (EventQueue &queue, int x, int y, PointerButton buttons, PointerState state, int scroll=0) |
| Adds a PointerEvent to the queue.
void | addSetHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue, bool onOff) |
| Adds a HudDebugEvent to the queue.
void | addSinglePointTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, size_t id, TouchPointState pointState, float x, float y, float pressure=1.0f, float radius=1.0f) |
| Adds a TouchEvent with one touch point to the queue.
void | addToggleHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue) |
| Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::DebugToggleHud type to the queue.
void | addTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, const list< TouchEvent::TouchPoint > &points) |
| Adds a TouchEvent with multiple touch points to the queue.
void | addWindowClosedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowClosed type to the queue.
void | addWindowFocusGainedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusGained type to the queue.
void | addWindowFocusLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusLost type to the queue.
void | addWindowHiddenEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowHidden type to the queue.
void | addWindowOrientationChangedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, WindowOrientation orientation) |
| Adds an OrientationChangedEvent to the queue.
void | addWindowPlacementRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowPlacementRequest to the queue.
void | addWindowRedrawRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowRedrawRequestEvent to the queue.
void | addWindowResizedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
| Adds a WindowResizedEvent to the queue.
void | addWindowResizeRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
| Adds a WindowResizeRequestEvent to the queue.
void | addWindowResourceLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target) |
| Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowResourceLost type to the queue.
bool | animationConcatenate (bool lhs, bool rhs) |
SRTValue2D | animationConcatenate (const SRTValue2D &lhs, const SRTValue2D &rhs) |
SRTValue3D | animationConcatenate (const SRTValue3D &lhs, const SRTValue3D &rhs) |
template<typename T > |
T | animationConcatenate (const T &lhs, const T &rhs) |
ResourceSharedPtr | animationConcatenate (ResourceSharedPtr, ResourceSharedPtr rhs) |
bool | animationInterpolate (bool from, bool to, float phase) |
Quaternion | animationInterpolate (const Quaternion &from, const Quaternion &to, float phase) |
QuaternionLongerPath | animationInterpolate (const QuaternionLongerPath &from, const QuaternionLongerPath &to, float phase) |
ResourceID | animationInterpolate (const ResourceID &from, const ResourceID &to, float phase) |
const ResourceSharedPtr & | animationInterpolate (const ResourceSharedPtr &from, const ResourceSharedPtr &to, float phase) |
SRTValue2D | animationInterpolate (const SRTValue2D &from, const SRTValue2D &to, float phase) |
SRTValue3D | animationInterpolate (const SRTValue3D &from, const SRTValue3D &to, float phase) |
SRTValue3DLongerPath | animationInterpolate (const SRTValue3DLongerPath &from, const SRTValue3DLongerPath &to, float phase) |
string | animationInterpolate (const string &from, const string &to, float phase) |
template<typename T > |
T | animationInterpolate (const T &from, const T &to, float phase) |
int | animationInterpolate (int from, int to, float phase) |
void | appendSkipSystemInitialization (SystemProperties &systemProperties) |
| Adds "-nosysinit" to the end of the system properties.
Matrix3x3 | applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size) |
| Applies offset and size to 3x3 transformation.
Matrix4x4 | applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size) |
| Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation.
Matrix3x3 | applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle) |
| Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 3x3 transformation.
Matrix4x4 | applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle) |
| Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation.
KZ_NO_DISCARD int | applyPlatformMmapMode (int flags) |
| Apply chosen platform mmapMode strategy to mmap() flags.
void | applyProperties (Object &object, const KzbMemoryParser::PropertyContainer &properties) |
| Apply properties from a PropertyContainer to an Object.
template<typename TargetType , typename FieldType > |
void | assignFieldValue (TargetType &value, PropertyField field, FieldType fieldValue) |
| Free function for setting a field of a value.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< ColorRGBA, float > (ColorRGBA &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< Matrix3x3, float > (Matrix3x3 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< Matrix4x4, float > (Matrix4x4 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< SRTValue2D, float > (SRTValue2D &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< SRTValue3D, float > (SRTValue3D &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< SRTValue3D, Quaternion > (SRTValue3D &value, PropertyField field, Quaternion fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< Vector2, float > (Vector2 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< Vector3, float > (Vector3 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<> |
void | assignFieldValue< Vector4, float > (Vector4 &value, PropertyField field, float fieldValue) |
| Specialization of assignFieldValue;.
template<class T > |
T::iterator | begin (T &t) |
PropertyTypeRegistry::const_iterator | beginPropertyTypes () |
| Get iterator to the beginning of registry of all property types.
ColorRGBA | bindingExpressionDivide (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs) |
| Color divide the expression way.
Matrix3x3 | bindingExpressionDivide (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs) |
| Matrix3x3 divide the expression way.
Matrix4x4 | bindingExpressionDivide (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs) |
| Matrix4x4 divide the expression way.
Vector2 | bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Vector2 divide the expression way.
Vector3 | bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs) |
| Vector3 divide the expression way.
Vector4 | bindingExpressionDivide (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs) |
| Vector4 divide the expression way.
float | bindingExpressionDivide (float lhs, float rhs) |
| Floating point divide the expression way.
int | bindingExpressionDivide (int lhs, int rhs) |
| Integer divide the expression way.
BindingExpressionFunction | bindingExpressionFunctionFromOperation (KzuExpressionValidatorOperation operation) |
| Converts expression validation operation to a binding expression function.
ColorRGBA | bindingExpressionModulo (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs) |
| Color modulo the expression way.
Matrix3x3 | bindingExpressionModulo (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs) |
| Matrix3x3 modulo the expression way.
Matrix4x4 | bindingExpressionModulo (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs) |
| Matrix4x4 modulo the expression way.
Vector2 | bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Vector2 modulo the expression way.
Vector3 | bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs) |
| Vector3 modulo the expression way.
Vector4 | bindingExpressionModulo (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs) |
| Vector4 modulo the expression way.
float | bindingExpressionModulo (float lhs, float rhs) |
| Floating point modulo the expression way.
int | bindingExpressionModulo (int lhs, int rhs) |
| Integer modulo the expression way.
ColorRGBA | bindingExpressionRemainder (const ColorRGBA &lhs, const ColorRGBA &rhs) |
| Color remainder the expression way.
Matrix3x3 | bindingExpressionRemainder (const Matrix3x3 &lhs, const Matrix3x3 &rhs) |
| Vector3 remainder the expression way.
Matrix4x4 | bindingExpressionRemainder (const Matrix4x4 &lhs, const Matrix4x4 &rhs) |
| Matrix4x4 remainder the expression way.
Vector2 | bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector2 &lhs, const Vector2 &rhs) |
| Vector2 remainder the expression way.
Vector3 | bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector3 &lhs, const Vector3 &rhs) |
| Vector3 remainder the expression way.
Vector4 | bindingExpressionRemainder (const Vector4 &lhs, const Vector4 &rhs) |
| Vector4 remainder the expression way.
float | bindingExpressionRemainder (float lhs, float rhs) |
| Floating point remainder the expression way.
int | bindingExpressionRemainder (int lhs, int rhs) |
| Integer remainder the expression way.
ColorRGBA | bindingFixedOperationGetAmbient (Node &node, const Material &material) |
| Fixed operation to acquire ambient color.
Matrix4x4 | bindingFixedOperationGetCameraNormalMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node) |
| Fixed operation to acquire camera normal matrix.
Vector3 | bindingFixedOperationGetCameraPosition (RenderPass &renderPass) |
| Fixed operation to acquire camera position vector.
Matrix4x4 | bindingFixedOperationGetCameraWorldMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node) |
| Fixed operation to acquire camera world matrix.
Matrix4x4 | bindingFixedOperationGetNormalMatrix (Node &node) |
| Fixed operation to acquire normal matrix.
Matrix4x4 | bindingFixedOperationGetProjectionCameraWorldMatrix (RenderPass &renderPass, Node &node) |
| Fixed operation to acquire projection camera world matrix.
Vector4 | bindingFixedOperationGetViewPosition (RenderPass &renderPass) |
| Fixed operation to acquire homogeneous view position vector.
Matrix4x4 | bindingFixedOperationGetWorldMatrix (Node &node) |
| Fixed operation to acquire world matrix.
template<typename T > |
bool | bindingWriteObjectProperty (PropertyObjectSharedPtr object, const Variant &value, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field) |
| Writes an object property.
Box | calculateBoundingVolume (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo) |
| Calculates bounding box from mesh vertex data.
optional< Vector4 > | calculateCameraViewPosition (Matrix4x4 projectionCameraMatrix) |
| Calculates a homogeneous camera view position that you can use to calculate the view direction in a shader.
Vector3 | calculateEulerAngles (const Quaternion &quaternion) |
| Calculates Euler angles from a quaternion.
void | calculateFrustumPlanes (const Matrix4x4 &cameraViewMatrix, const Matrix4x4 &projectionMatrix, Plane *frustumPlanes) |
| Internal function for calculating frustum planes.
unsigned int | calculateMipmapLevelCount (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) |
| Calculates number of mipmap levels for provided image size.
KZ_NO_DISCARD Matrix4x4 | calculateOrdinaryGLTargetTransformationMatrix (unsigned int width, unsigned int height) noexcept |
| Calculates the ordinary target transformation matrix for GLGraphicsOutput.
Box | calculateWorldSpaceAABB (const OrientedBoundingBox &orientedBoundingBox) |
| Gets a minimum size world space axis-aligned bounding box that encloses this transformed box.
bool | canNodeGetFocus (const Node &node) |
| Returns whether a node can get the key focus.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | captureCurrentFramebufferToImage (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GraphicsFormat format) |
| Capture the current framebuffer to an image.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | captureScreenToImage (Renderer &renderer, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GraphicsFormat format) |
| Capture the screen (default framebuffer) to an image.
template<class T , size_t N> |
const T * | cbegin (const T(&array)[N]) |
template<class T > |
T::const_iterator | cbegin (T const &t) |
template<class T , size_t N> |
const T * | cend (const T(&array)[N]) |
template<class T > |
T::const_iterator | cend (T const &t) |
UrlContainer | collectResourceUrls (const KzbMemoryParser::PropertyContainer &properties) |
| Collects URLs of all property values of Resource type.
ResourceManager::UrlContainer | collectResourceUrls (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo) |
| For each cluster in mesh create info, get material URL, if set.
void | collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template.
void | collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template.
void | collectResourceUrls (const PrefabTemplateNode &prefabTemplateNode, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by a prefab template node and its children.
void | collectResourceUrls (const ResourceDictionary &resourceDictionary, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects the URLs from a resource dictionary.
void | collectResourceUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects the URLs of all resources from all the binary directories that have been added to the resource manager.
void | collectResourceUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view hostname, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collect resource urls from a named file.
KZ_DEPRECATED void | collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateNodeResourceDictionaryUrls (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateNodeUrls, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects the URLs of resources from the resource dictionaries of the prefab templates you specify.
void | collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template.
void | collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template.
void | collectResourceUrlsFromStateManagersAndRenderPassPrefabs (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Looks up resource properties of type StateManager or RenderPassPrefab in the nodes of a prefab template.
void | collectResourceUrlsFromStateManagersAndRenderPassPrefabs (const PrefabTemplate &prefabTemplate, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Looks up resource properties of type StateManager or RenderPassPrefab in the nodes of a prefab template.
CompositionRequirements | combineCompositionRequirements (const CompositionRequirements &lhs, const CompositionRequirements &rhs) |
| Merge two composition requirements together.
ColorRGBA | componentAbs (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentAbs (Vector2 v) |
| Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentAbs (Vector3 v) |
| Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentAbs (Vector4 v) |
| Calculates component-wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentAdd (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Adds a value to all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentAdd (Vector2 v, float scalar) |
| Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result.
Vector3 | componentAdd (Vector3 v, float scalar) |
| Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result.
Vector4 | componentAdd (Vector4 v, float scalar) |
| Adds a value to all elements of a vector and returns the result.
bool | componentAllGreaterThan (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllGreaterThan (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllGreaterThan (Vector4 a, Vector4 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllGreaterThanOrEqual (Vector4 a, Vector4 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is greater than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThan (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThan (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThan (Vector4 a, Vector4 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector2 a, Vector2 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector3 a, Vector3 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
bool | componentAllLessThanOrEqual (Vector4 a, Vector4 b) |
| Returns whether each component of the first vector is less than or equal to the corresponding component of the second vector.
ColorRGBA | componentCeil (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentCeil (Vector2 v) |
| Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentCeil (Vector3 v) |
| Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentCeil (Vector4 v) |
| Calculates component-wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentFloor (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentFloor (Vector2 v) |
| Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentFloor (Vector3 v) |
| Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentFloor (Vector4 v) |
| Calculates component-wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentRound (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentRound (Vector2 v) |
| Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentRound (Vector3 v) |
| Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentRound (Vector4 v) |
| Calculates component-wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentSqrt (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentSqrt (Vector2 v) |
| Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentSqrt (Vector3 v) |
| Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentSqrt (Vector4 v) |
| Calculates component-wise square root all elements and returns resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentSubtract (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Subtracts a value from all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentSubtract (Vector2 v, float scalar) |
| Subtracts a value from all elements of a vector and returns the result.
Vector3 | componentSubtract (Vector3 v, float scalar) |
| Subtracts a value from all elements of a vector and returns the result.
Vector4 | componentSubtract (Vector4 v, float scalar) |
| Subtracts a value from all elements of a vector and returns the result.
template<typename T > |
T | componentWiseClamp (const T &value, const T &minvalue, const T &maxvalue) |
| Clamps all vector fields between the given minimum and the maximum values.
ColorRGBA | componentWiseDivide (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Divides component-wise all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Matrix3x3 | componentWiseDivide (const Matrix3x3 &m1, const Matrix3x3 &m2) |
| Divides matrix components component-wise and returns the resulting matrix.
Matrix4x4 | componentWiseDivide (const Matrix4x4 &m1, const Matrix4x4 &m2) |
| Divides matrix components component-wise and returns the resulting matrix.
Vector2 | componentWiseDivide (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Divides all vector elements component-wise and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentWiseDivide (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Divides component-wise all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentWiseDivide (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Divides component-wise all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentWiseMax (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates component-wise maximum for all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Matrix3x3 | componentWiseMax (Matrix3x3 v1, Matrix3x3 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise maximum for all matrix elements and returns the resulting matrix.
Matrix4x4 | componentWiseMax (Matrix4x4 v1, Matrix4x4 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise maximum for all matrix elements and returns the resulting matrix.
Vector2 | componentWiseMax (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise maximum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentWiseMax (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise maximum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentWiseMax (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise maximum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentWiseMin (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates component-wise minimum for all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Matrix3x3 | componentWiseMin (Matrix3x3 v1, Matrix3x3 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise minimum for all matrix elements and returns the resulting matrix.
Matrix4x4 | componentWiseMin (Matrix4x4 v1, Matrix4x4 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise minimum for all matrix elements and returns the resulting matrix.
Vector2 | componentWiseMin (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise minimum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentWiseMin (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise minimum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentWiseMin (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Calculates the component-wise minimum for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentWiseMultiply (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Multiplies component-wise all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Matrix3x3 | componentWiseMultiply (const Matrix3x3 &m1, const Matrix3x3 &m2) |
| Multiplies matrix components component-wise and returns the resulting matrix.
Matrix4x4 | componentWiseMultiply (const Matrix4x4 &m1, const Matrix4x4 &m2) |
| Multiplies matrix components component-wise and returns the resulting matrix.
Quaternion | componentWiseMultiply (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2) |
| Multiplies quaternion components component-wise and returns the resulting quaternion.
Vector2 | componentWiseMultiply (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Multiplies all vector elements component-wise and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentWiseMultiply (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Multiplies component-wise all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentWiseMultiply (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Multiplies component-wise all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | componentWiseRemainder (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates component-wise the remainder for all color elements and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | componentWiseRemainder (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Calculates component-wise the remainder for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | componentWiseRemainder (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Calculates component-wise the remainder for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | componentWiseRemainder (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Calculates component-wise the remainder for all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
template<typename T , size_t Size, typename U > |
bool | contains (const array< T, Size > &c, const U &value) |
template<typename T , typename A , typename U > |
bool | contains (const vector< T, A > &c, const U &value) |
Timeline::DirectionBehavior | convert (KzuTimeLineEntryPlaybackMode mode) |
KzuTimeLineEntryPlaybackMode | convert (Timeline::DirectionBehavior behavior) |
wstring | convertUTF8ToWideChar (string_view utf8) |
| Converts a given UTF-8 string view into a Win32-compatible wide character string.
Win32String | convertUTF8ToWin32 (string_view utf8) |
string | convertWideCharToUTF8 (wstring_view wchar) |
| Converts a given Win32-compatible wide character string view into a UTF-8 string.
Win32String | convertWideCharToWin32 (wstring_view wchar) |
string | convertWin32ToUTF8 (Win32StringView win32) |
wstring | convertWin32ToWideChar (Win32StringView win32) |
template<class T > |
T::const_reverse_iterator | crbegin (T const &t) |
template<typename T > |
Variant | createDataObjectVariant (const T &value) |
| Creates a new Variant from data object value.
Variant | createDataObjectVariant (double value) |
| createDataObjectVariant() overload.
optional< BindingLoadInfo > | createDefaultRenderValueBinding (Domain *domain, optional< AbstractPropertyType > propertyType, string_view renderValueName, PropertyDataType dataType, unsigned arraySize, ShaderProgram::UniformTransformation transformation) |
| Creates a default binding for a given render value.
KZ_NO_DISCARD EGLContext | createEGLContextForClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLConfig &eglConfig, EGLContextClientSelection contextClientSelection) |
| Creates an EGL context for a given context client version.
Matrix4x4 | createRelativeOrthogonalProjection (float near, float far, Matrix4x4::FieldOfViewType fovType, float orthoSize, float aspectRatio) |
| Creates an orthogonal projection matrix for a symmetrical viewing volume.
TextureSharedPtr | createTextureFromMemory (Domain *domain, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, GraphicsFormat sourceFormat, const void *data, GraphicsFormat destinationFormat, string_view name) |
| Loads a new image from memory and creates a texture out of it.
template<class T > |
T::const_reverse_iterator | crend (T const &t) |
Vector3 | crossProduct (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Calculates the cross product of two vectors.
Vector4 | crossProduct (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Calculates the cross product of two vectors.
constexpr float | degreesToRadians (float angleInDegrees) |
| Converts degrees to radians.
void | doListBoxArrange (Node2D &node) |
void | doListBoxArrange (Node3D &node) |
float | dotProduct (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two colors.
float | dotProduct (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two quaternions.
float | dotProduct (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
float | dotProduct (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
float | dotProduct (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two vectors.
timespec | durationToTimespec (chrono::nanoseconds duration) |
| Converts C++ nanoseconds to POSIX native nanosecond format.
timeval | durationToTimeval (chrono::microseconds duration) |
| Converts C++ microsecond to POSIX native microsecond format.
template<class T > |
T::iterator | end (T &t) |
PropertyTypeRegistry::const_iterator | endPropertyTypes () |
| Get iterator to the end of registry of all property types.
template<typename T , typename A , typename U > |
void | erase (vector< T, A > &c, const U &value) |
template<class K , class T , class H , class P , class A , class Predicate > |
void | erase_if (unordered_map< K, T, H, P, A > &c, Predicate pred) |
template<typename T , typename A , typename U > |
void | erase_if (vector< T, A > &c, const U &predicate) |
bool | expressionOperationWrite (BindingExpressionOpCodeParameters ¶ms) |
| Execute write operation.
Matrix3x3 | extract3x3 (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Extracts the 3x3 rotation and scaling part of a matrix.
void | extractExpressionField (Variant &outputRegister, const Variant &inputRegister, PropertyField field) |
| Reads a field from an input register and writes it to the output register.
bool | extractSRT (const Matrix3x3 &matrix, Vector2 &scale, float &rotationInRadians, Vector2 &translation) |
| Extracts scale, rotation and translation information from a matrix.
bool | extractSRT (const Matrix4x4 &matrix, Vector3 &scale, Vector3 &rotationInRadians, Vector3 &translation) |
| Extracts from a matrix the scale, rotation, and translation information.
FocusScope * | findAncestorScopeForNode (const Node &node) |
| Returns the ancestor focus scope of the node that you pass as an argument.
template<typename Predicate > |
FocusScope * | findAncestorScopeIf (Node &first, Node &last, Predicate predicate) |
| Find the first ancestor scope in the [first node, last node) range, for which the predicate returns true.
template<typename Predicate > |
FocusScope * | findAncestorScopeIfNot (Node &first, Node &last, Predicate predicate) |
| Find the first ancestor scope in the [first node, last node) range, for which the predicate returns false.
Node * | findCommonParent (const Node &nodeA, const Node &nodeB) |
| Gets first common parent from nodeA and nodeB, or null if not found.
string_view | findConfigurationName (const SystemProperties &systemProperties, string_view defaultConfigurationName) |
| Returns the tail of the first argument that starts with "-config=" or default configuration name if not found.
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< EGLContextClientVersion > | findEGLContextClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const ::EGLConfig eglConfig, const EGLContextClientSelection selection) noexcept |
| Returns the correct EGL context client version based on EGLContextClientSelection.
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< EGLContextClientVersion > | findEGLContextClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const span< ::EGLConfig > eglConfigs, const EGLContextClientSelection selection) noexcept |
| Returns the correct EGL context client version based on EGLContextClientSelection.
FocusFence * | findFenceForNode (const Node &node) |
| Returns the focus fence of the given node that you pass as an argument.
KZ_NO_DISCARD::EGLConfig | findFirstMatchEGLConfig (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLCapabilities &requiredCapabilities) noexcept |
| Finds the first EGL configuration that matches the capabilities, returns no config if no matches are found.
optional< GraphicsFormat > | findGraphicsFormatByName (string_view formatName) |
| Returns GraphicsFormat given its name as a human readable string.
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< EGLContextClientVersion > | findHighestContextClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const ::EGLConfig eglConfig) noexcept |
| Returns the highest context client version supported by an EGL configuration.
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< EGLContextClientVersion > | findHighestContextClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const span< ::EGLConfig > eglConfigs) noexcept |
| Returns the highest context client version supported by at least one EGL configuration.
template<typename Function > |
OverlayScope * | findInputPropagationOverlayIf (OverlayScope *overlayScope, Function predicate) |
| Finds the overlay focus scope that is the overlayScope, or one of its preceding overlay focus scopes to which Kanzi lets the input propagate, for which the predicate function returns true.
OverlayScope * | findOverlayScopeForNode (const Node &node) |
| Returns the overlay focus scope to which the node that you pass in this function belongs.
template<typename Type > |
shared_ptr< Type > | findParent (const Node &node) |
| Gets nearest parent of specified type.
FocusScope * | findScopeForNode (const Node &node) |
| Returns the focus scope of the node that you pass as an argument.
bool | floatIsAlmostEqual (float valueA, float valueB) |
| Check if two floats are approximately equal.
bool | floatIsAlmostEqualAbsolute (float valueA, float valueB, float maxAbsoluteDifference) |
| Check if two floats are equal up to a given difference.
bool | floatIsAlmostEqualUlps (float valueA, float valueB, unsigned int maxUlps) |
| Floating point helper methods.
constexpr bool | floatIsEqual (float valueA, float valueB) |
| Check if two floats are equal.
uint16_t | floatToHalfFloat (float f) |
| Converts float to 16 bits representing a half float.
constexpr unsigned int | floatToUint (float value) |
| Casts a float to unsigned int.
template<typename Function > |
void | forEachAncestorNodeInScope (const Node &node, const FocusScope *scope, Function function) |
| Execute a function for every ancestor node of the node, until and including the focus scope node that is an ancestor of the node.
template<typename Function > |
void | forEachAncestorScope (Node &first, Node &last, Function function) |
| Execute a function for every focus scope in the [first node, last node) range.
template<typename Function > |
void | forEachAncestorScopeOf (Node &node, Function function) |
| Executes a function for every ancestor focus scope of the node, until and including the overlay focus scope node that owns the node.
from_chars_result | from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, int &value, int base=10) |
| Converts a character sequence to an integer value.
from_chars_result | from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, unsigned int &value, int base=10) |
| Converts a character sequence to an unsigned integer value.
from_chars_result | from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, unsigned long &value, int base=10) |
| Converts a character sequence to an unsigned long value.
from_chars_result | from_chars (const char *first, const char *last, unsigned long long &value, int base=10) |
| Converts a character sequence to an unsigned long long value.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateBox (Vector3 size, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, bool insideOut, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a box primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateBox (Vector3 size, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a box primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateCone (float bottomRadius, unsigned int bottomSegmentCount, float height, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, bool insideOut, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a UV cone primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateCone (float bottomRadius, unsigned int bottomSegmentCount, float height, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a UV cone primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateIcosphere (float radius, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, bool insideOut, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for an icosphere primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateIcosphere (float radius, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for an icosphere primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generatePlane (float width, float height, unsigned int subdivisions, bool invertU, bool invertV, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a plane primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateQuadsphere (float radius, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, bool insideOut, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a quad sphere primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateQuadsphere (float radius, unsigned int subdivisions, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a quad sphere primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateSphere (float radius, unsigned int segmentCount, unsigned int rowCount, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, bool insideOut, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a UV sphere primitive mesh.
Mesh::CreateInfo | generateSphere (float radius, unsigned int segmentCount, unsigned int rowCount, bool useHalfFloat, bool generateNormals, bool generateTangents, MaterialSharedPtr material, string_view materialURL, GPUResource::MemoryType memoryType) |
| Makes mesh create info for a UV sphere primitive mesh.
unsigned int | getAttributeDimension (VertexAttribute::Semantic attribute) |
| Gets the number of elements for a vertex attribute semantic.
unsigned int | getBitCount (GraphicsDataType dataType) |
| Return number of bits per one element of data type.
unsigned int | getBitCount (GraphicsDataType dataType, unsigned int componentCount) |
| Return number of bits per one element of data type.
unsigned int | getBitsPerBlock (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns number of bits per block of the specified format.
constexpr BlendEquationAdvanced | getBlendEquationAdvanced (int blendMode) |
| Gets the advanced blend equation.
constexpr BlendEquation | getBlendEquationAlpha (int blendMode) |
| Gets the alpha blend equation.
constexpr BlendEquation | getBlendEquationColor (int blendMode) |
| Gets the color blend equation.
unsigned int | getByteCount (GraphicsDataType dataType) |
| Return number of bytes per one element of data type.
unsigned int | getByteCount (GraphicsDataType dataType, unsigned int dimension) |
| Returns number of bytes for graphics data.
unsigned int | getBytesPerBlock (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns number of bytes per block of the specified format.
unsigned int | getChannelCount (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns number of unique color channels of the format.
constexpr float | getCloseToZeroRange () |
| Returns the largest value of a floating point number which is considered as "almost zero".
GraphicsFormat | getCommon (GraphicsFormat format1, GraphicsFormat format2) |
| Returns a common superset of two formats, or GraphicsFormatNone if formats cannot be combined.
int | getCompressedGLFormat (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns the GL API internal format enumeration of the kanzi::Format.
unsigned int | getDataSizeBytes (int width, int height, GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns data size in bytes for image with specified dimensions and format.
GraphicsDataType | getDataType (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns data type of the format.
GraphicsFormat | getDefaultGraphicsFormatForColorSpace (SurfaceColorSpace space) |
| Gets the default graphics format to represent a given surface color space.
float | getDeterminant (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Calculates the determinant of the matrix.
float | getDeterminant (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Calculates the determinant of a matrix.
float | getDeterminant2x2 (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Calculates the determinant of the 2X2 part of a matrix.
float | getDeterminant3x3 (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Calculates the determinant of the 3x3 part of a matrix.
constexpr BlendFactor | getDstAlphaFactor (int blendMode) |
| Gets the destination alpha factor.
constexpr BlendFactor | getDstColorFactor (int blendMode) |
| Gets the destination color factor.
KZ_NO_DISCARD::EGLConfig | getEGLConfig (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLCapabilities &requiredCapabilities) noexcept |
| Gets the EGL configuration matching with the graphics format ID, if specified, otherwise finds the first EGL configuration that matches the capabilities.
string | getExpressionOperationName (KzuExpressionValidatorOperation operation) |
| Gets a string representation of an expression validator operator.
unsigned int | getFaceCount (TextureType type) |
| Gets face count for a given texture type.
GraphicsFormat | getFallback (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns an alternative format which is potentially more widely supported.
ShaderProgram::FixedUniformFunction | getFixedUniformFunction (string_view renderValueName) |
| Gets a matching fixed uniform function for a fixed uniform.
ShaderProgram::FixedUniformFunction | getFixedUniformFunction (string_view renderValueName, ShaderProgram::UniformTransformation transformation) |
| Gets a matching fixed uniform function for a fixed uniform.
const ShaderProgram::FixedUniformFunctionInfo & | getFixedUniformFunctionInfo (ShaderProgram::FixedUniform uniform) |
| Gets a matching fixed uniform function for a fixed uniform.
GeometrySharedPtr | getFullScreenTriangleGeometry (Domain *domain) |
| Gets a shared instance of full screen triangle.
unsigned int | getGLTextureImageTarget (TextureType type, unsigned int face) |
unsigned int | getGLTextureTarget (TextureType type) |
vector< size_t > | getGraphemeClusters (string_view text) |
| Returns the indices of the characters that start new grapheme clusters in the given text.
size_t | getIndexTypeStride (IndexBufferType type) |
| Returns the stride of a given index type.
optional< TimeInterval > | getIntersection (const TimeInterval &first, const TimeInterval &second) |
| Gets intersection of two intervals.
bool | getInvalidLightValue (Variant &value, AbstractPropertyType propertyType) |
| Gets an 'invalid' value for a light that does not exist.
KANZI_JVM_API JniLibrary * | getJniLibrary () |
| Gets a set of function pointers that represent the JNI library.
ConstByteSpan | getKzbMagic () |
| Gets the kzb magic byte sequence.
Light::Type | getLightTypeForCollectionName (string_view collectionName, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, string_view renderValueName) |
| Returns the light type based on the collection name or, if collection name is empty, on the property type.
string | getNodeListBindingSourcePath (const RenderPass &renderPass) |
| Gets the input path for a render pass to use with a node list binding.
Vector3 | getOrthogonalVector (Vector3 v) |
| Finds a vector that is orthogonal to the given vector.
Quaternion | getQuaternionField (const Variant &variant, PropertyField field) |
| Gets a quaternion field from a variant.
optional< string > | getRelativePath (const Node &targetNode, const Node &baseNode) |
| Gets the relative path from base object node to target object node, or nullopt if path could not be found.
const Node * | getRoot (const Node &node) |
| Gets the root node of the node tree to which the node belongs.
Node * | getRoot (Node &node) |
| Gets the root node of the node tree to which the node belongs.
RenderPass * | getRoot (RenderPass &renderPass) |
| Gets the render pass of the graph render pass belongs to.
const byte * | getRuntimeAssetData () |
| Gets runtime asset data.
size_t | getRuntimeAssetDataSize () |
| Gets size of runtime asset data.
Node * | getScopeFocusedNode (Node &node) |
| Returns the last-focused node of the scope node.
constexpr BlendFactor | getSrcAlphaFactor (int blendMode) |
| Gets the source alpha factor.
constexpr BlendFactor | getSrcColorFactor (int blendMode) |
| Gets the source color factor.
GraphicsFormat | getSRGBFormat (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns an sRGB format that is compatible with the provided format.
uint32_t | getSupportedKzbFormatVersion () |
| Gets the supported kzb format version.
float | getTrace (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Calculates the trace of a matrix.
float | getTrace (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Calculates the trace of a matrix.
unsigned int | getTreeHeight (const Node &node) |
| Gets tree height from the object node to the parent.
const byte * | getUIAssetData () |
| Gets UI asset data.
size_t | getUIAssetDataSize () |
| Gets size of UI asset data.
unsigned int | getUniformElementCount (Material &material, string_view name) |
| Get uniform element count from a material.
template<typename T > |
Rectangle< T > | getUnion (const Rectangle< T > &rectangle1, const Rectangle< T > &rectangle2) |
| Calculates union of the two rectangles.
GeometrySharedPtr | getUnitQuadGeometry (Domain *domain) |
| Gets a shared instance of unit quad geometry.
Matrix3x3 | getUnitQuadTargetTransformation (const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle) |
| Gets the 3x3 transformation that maps the unit quad geometry to the target rectangle.
Matrix3x3 | getUnitQuadTargetTransformation (Vector2 offset, Vector2 size) |
| Gets the 3x3 transformation that maps the unit quad geometry to the target offset and size.
size_t | getUtf8Length (string_view text) |
| Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in the text.
size_t | getUtf8NextWordbreakPosition (string_view text, size_t position) |
| Gets the position of the next word break following the character position position.
size_t | getUtf8NextWordbreakPosition (string_view text, size_t position, size_t words) |
| Gets the position of the next word break following the character position position after the number of words words.
size_t | getUtf8PreviousWordbreakPosition (string_view text, size_t position) |
| Gets the position of the previous word break that precedes the character position position.
size_t | getUtf8PreviousWordbreakPosition (string_view text, size_t position, size_t words) |
| Gets the position of the next word break following the character position position after the number of words words.
pair< size_t, size_t > | getUtf8WordBounds (string_view text, size_t position) |
| Gets the character positions at the begin and end of the word to which the character at position position belongs.
size_t | getUtf8WordCount (string_view text) |
| Gets the number of words in a UTF-8 text string.
FixedString | getVerboseDescription (ShaderProgram::CreateInfo::Status status) |
| Returns human readable description for ShaderProgram CreateInfo status.
FixedString | getVerboseDescription (Texture::CreateInfo::Status status) |
| Returns human readable description for CreateInfo status.
template<typename TWrappedType > |
shared_ptr< TWrappedType > | getWrappedEventSource (EventSourceSharedPtr eventSource) |
| Returns the event source wrapper of TWrappedType type from the passed event source.
float | halfFloatToFloat (uint16_t halfFloatNumber) |
| Converts 16 bits representing a half float to a float.
void | handleDefaultExceptions (JNIEnv *env) |
| Handle the top level Java and native exceptions and rethrow via the JNI.
bool | hasAliasedChannel (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether given format has an aliased color channel.
bool | hasAlpha (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether given format has alpha channel.
bool | hasColor (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether given format has one more more color channels.
bool | hasDepth (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether given format has depth channel.
bool | hasSkipSystemInitialization (const SystemProperties &systemProperties) |
| Checks whether one of the parameters is "-nosysinit".
bool | hasStencil (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether given format has stencil channel.
bool | hasToken (const SystemProperties &systemProperties, string_view token) |
| Checks if system properties contain specified token.
Vector3 | hslTosRGBColor (const Vector3 &vec) |
| Converts a Vector3 from HSL color space to sRGB color space.
Vector4 | hslTosRGBColor (const Vector4 &vec) |
| Converts a Vector4 from HSLA color space to RGBA color space.
tuple< float, float, float > | hslTosRGBColor (float h, float s, float l) |
| Converts a color from the HSL color space to the sRGB color space.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | imageLoadJPEG (File &file, const LibJPEGParameters &libjpegParameters, string_view name="") |
| Loads a JPEG image from an input stream.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | imageLoadJPEG (File &file, string_view name="") |
| Loads a JPEG image from an input stream.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | imageLoadPNG (File &file, const LibPNGParameters &libpngParameters, string_view name="") |
| Loads a PNG image from an input stream.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | imageLoadPNG (File &file, string_view name="") |
| Loads a PNG image from an input stream.
void | imageSaveJPEG (const BitmapImage &image, File &file, float quality=1.0f) |
| Saves an image as a JPEG to an output stream.
void | imageSavePNG (const BitmapImage &image, File &file) |
| Saves an image as a PNG to an output stream.
void | imageSavePNGPaletted (const BitmapImage &image, File &file) |
| Saves an image as a paletted PNG to an output stream.
template<typename T > |
Rectangle< T > | intersection (const Rectangle< T > &rectangle1, const Rectangle< T > &rectangle2) |
| Calculates intersection of the two rectangles.
optional< Matrix3x3 > | inverse (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Applies an inversion to a matrix.
optional< Matrix4x4 > | inverse (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Applies an inversion to a matrix.
Quaternion | inverse (const Quaternion &q) |
| Returns an inverse quaternion for a quaternion.
optional< Matrix3x3 > | inverseAffine (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Applies an inversion to an affine matrix.
optional< Matrix4x4 > | inverseAffine (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Applies an inversion to an affine matrix.
optional< Matrix4x4 > | inverseOrthogonal (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Applies an inversion to an orthogonal affine matrix.
bool | isAncestorOf (const Node &node, const Node &ancestor) |
| Indicates whether one node is the ancestor of another node at any level in the node tree.
bool | isCloseToZero (float value) |
| Checks if floating point value is too close to zero.
bool | isCompatibleWithUnitQuadGeometry (const QuadDescription &quadDescription, Vector2 tiling) |
| Determines whether the given quad description and tiling are compatible with unit quad geometry.
bool | isCompressed (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether format is compressed format or not.
bool | isfinite (Vector2 vec) |
| Overloading of kanzi::isfinite for kanzi::Vector2.
bool | isFixedOperationOpCode (KzuExpressionValidatorOperation opCode) |
| Tells if given operation code corresponds with a fixed operation.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isGLES1FlagSet (int glesFlags) noexcept |
| Tests whether OpenGL ES1 is supported.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isGLES2FlagSet (int glesFlags) noexcept |
| Tests whether OpenGL ES2 is supported.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isGLES3FlagSet (int glesFlags) noexcept |
| Tests whether OpenGL ES3 is supported.
bool | isImplicitMultisampleSupport (Multisample multisampleSupport) |
| Tell if multisample support is of implicit type.
template<class T > |
bool | isInClosedInterval (T value, T min, T max) |
| Check whether value is in [min, max] (an interval inclusive of the limit points).
bool | isKeyModifier (LogicalKey key) |
| Checks whether the key of the event is a modifier key.
bool | isKzbMagic (ConstByteSpan data) |
| Returns whether the beginning of a byte span matches a kzb magic byte sequence.
bool | isKzbMagic (File &file) |
| Returns whether the beginning of a file matches a kzb magic byte sequence.
bool | isNativePixmapSurfaceConfigSupported (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, EGLNativePixmapType eglNativePixmap, const EGLConfig &eglConfig) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL config is a valid pixmap surface configuration.
bool | isNativeWindowSurfaceConfigSupported (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, EGLNativeWindowType eglNativeWindow, const EGLConfig &eglConfig) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL config is a valid window surface configuration.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoConfig (const EGLConfig &eglConfig) noexcept |
| Tests whether the given EGL configuration is no configuration.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoConfigHandle (const ::EGLConfig eglConfig) noexcept |
| Tests whether the given EGL configuration handle is no configuration.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoContext (const EGLContext &eglContext) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL context is no context.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoContextHandle (const ::EGLContext eglContextHandle) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL context handle is no context.
bool | isNodeInFocusableOverlay (const Node &node) |
| Returns whether the given node is in one of the overlay scopes that are on top of the foremost modal scope, or in that modal scope itself.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoDisplay (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL display is no display.
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | isNoDisplayHandle (const ::EGLDisplay eglDisplay) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL display handle is no display.
bool | isNoSurface (const EGLPixmapSurface &eglSurface) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL surface is a no surface.
bool | isNoSurface (const EGLWindowSurface &eglSurface) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL surface is a no surface.
bool | isNoSurfaceHandle (const ::EGLSurface eglSurfaceHandle) noexcept |
| Tests if a given EGL surface handle is a no surface.
constexpr bool | isOpaquableBlendMode (int blendMode) |
| Indicates whether a blend mode can be rendered as opaque as substitute for clearing.
bool | isOverlayFocusable (const OverlayScope &overlay) |
| Returns whether the given overlay is focusable.
bool | isOverlayScope (const FocusScope *scope) |
| Returns whether the focus scope passed as argument is an overlay focus scope.
bool | isPacked (GraphicsDataType dataType) |
| Indicates whether given data type is packed or not.
bool | isParentOf (const Node &child, const Node &parent) |
| Indicates whether one node is the parent of another node.
bool | isRTL (string_view text) |
| Returns true if the text is right-to-left aligned, otherwise false.
bool | isScalingOnly (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Determines whether a matrix is scaling-only.
bool | isTranslationOnly (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Determines whether a matrix is translation-only.
bool | isTranslationOnly (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Returns whether a matrix is translation-only.
bool | isValid (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Indicates whether format is valid.
void | javaErrorCallback (void *ctx, kanzi::interop::ErrorCode code, const char *message) |
| Callback function that is used to pass exceptions to Java.
kzString | kzErrorCodeToString (kzsError code) |
string | kzFormatVariadicLogMessage (kzString format,...) |
string | kzFormatVariadicLogMessageList (kzString format, va_list arguments) |
KZ_ATTRIBUTE_NO_RETURN void | kzThrowJNIError () |
KZ_ATTRIBUTE_NO_RETURN void | kzThrowLegacyError (kzsError value) |
KZ_ATTRIBUTE_NO_RETURN void | kzThrowLegacyErrorFormat (kzsError value, kzString format,...) |
KZ_ATTRIBUTE_NO_RETURN void | kzThrowLegacyErrorMessage (kzsError value, const string &message) |
KZ_ATTRIBUTE_NO_RETURN void | kzThrowLegacyErrorMessage (kzsError value, kzString message) |
ColorRGBA | linearTosRGB (const ColorRGBA &cs) |
| Converts whole ColorRGBA color from linear to sRGB.
Vector3 | linearTosRGB (const Vector3 &vec) |
| Converts to whole Vector3 from linear to sRGB.
Vector4 | linearTosRGB (const Vector4 &vec) |
| Conversion to whole Vector4 from linear to sRGB.
float | linearTosRGB (float cl) |
| Conversion from linear to sRGB for default gamma 2.2.
void | listAllEGLConfigs (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay) noexcept |
| Prints metadata for all EGL configurations supported by an EGL display.
void | listAllEGLConfigsFromDefaultDisplay () noexcept |
| Lists available EGL configurations for the default EGL display.
void | listEGLConfig (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLConfig &eglConfig) noexcept |
| Prints metadata for the given EGL configuration.
void | load (ApplicationProperties &applicationProperties, const SystemProperties &systemProperties) |
| Loads application properties from system properties.
void | load (ApplicationProperties &applicationProperties, string_view configurationFilePath) |
| Loads application properties from configuration INI file.
BindingLoadInfo | loadBinding (KzbFile &kzbFile, KzbMemoryParser &parser) |
| Loads a binding from a kzb file.
void | loadBindings (KzbFile &kzbFile, KzbMemoryParser &parser, vector< BindingLoadInfo > &bindings) |
| Loads bindings from a kzb file.
BitmapImageUniquePtr | loadImage (Domain *domain, string_view imageUrl, bool isInCubemap) |
| Loads an image from KZB file.
Mesh::CreateInfo | loadMeshCreateInfo (Domain *domain, KzbFile &kzbFile, ReadOnlyMemoryFile &file, KzbMemoryParser &parser) |
| Loads mesh create info from KZB.
void | loadPrefabAsync (const Node &node, ResourceID prefabResourceId, ResourceManager::AsyncAcquireFinishedCallback callback) |
| Acquires prefab and required nested resources recursively.
void | loadSettings (ApplicationProperties &applicationProperties, const string_view configurationFilePath, const SystemProperties &systemProperties) |
| Loads all properties, prioritizing command line parameters over configuration file parameters.
ShaderProgram::CreateInfo | loadShaderProgramCreateInfo (KzbFile &kzbFile, ReadOnlyMemoryFile &file, KzbMemoryParser &parser, string_view name) |
| Loads a shader program create info from a kzb file.
SplinePtr | loadSplineFromKZB (KzbMemoryParser &parser) |
| Load a spline spline from memory parser.
Texture::CreateInfo | loadTextureCreateInfo (Domain *domain, KzbFile &kzbFile, ReadOnlyMemoryFile &file, KzbMemoryParser &parser) |
| Load texture create info from KZB file.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const bool &value) |
| Used by logging system to convert bool to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const exception &exception) |
| Used by logging system to convert standard exception type objects to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const FixedString &fixedString) |
| Used by logging system to convert fixed strings to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const ImmutableString &immutableString) |
| Used by logging system to convert immutable strings to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const JNIError &jniError) |
| Used by logging system to convert legacy exception type objects to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const LegacyError &legacyError) |
| Used by logging system to convert legacy exception type objects to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const SharedImmutableString &sharedImmutableString) |
| Used by logging system to convert shared immutable strings to string.
template<> |
string | logArgumentToString (const string_view &stringView) |
| Used by logging system to convert string_view to string.
template<typename T > |
string | logArgumentToString (const T &value) |
| The logging subsystem uses this function to convert a value to string.
template<typename TBase , typename T > |
shared_ptr< T > | make_polymorphic_shared_ptr (T *p) |
bool | makeCurrentEGLContext (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLPBufferSurface &eglSurface, const EGLContext &eglContext) noexcept |
| Binds a pbuffer surface to a context and the current thread.
bool | makeCurrentEGLContext (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLPixmapSurface &eglSurface, const EGLContext &eglContext) noexcept |
| Binds a pixmap surface to a context and the current thread.
bool | makeCurrentEGLContext (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const EGLWindowSurface &eglSurface, const EGLContext &eglContext) noexcept |
| Binds a window surface to a context and the current thread.
EventSourceSharedPtr | makeDefaultEventSource (const SystemConfiguration &configuration) |
| Creates a platform-specific event source.
KZ_NO_DISCARD GraphicsOutputSharedPtr | makeDefaultGraphicsOutput (const SystemConfiguration &configuration) |
| Creates a platform-specific graphics output.
EventSourceSharedPtr | makeLegacyEventSource (const EventSourceProperties &properties, GraphicsOutput *graphicsOutput) |
| Creates a legacy event source.
KZ_NO_DISCARD GraphicsOutputSharedPtr | makeLegacyGraphicsOutput (const struct KzsSurfaceProperties *surfaceProperties, const NativeWindowProperties *windowProperties, const NativeDesktopProperties *desktopProperties) |
| Creates a legacy graphics output.
KeyMatchResult | matchKeyGesture (const KeyGestureInfo &gesture, const KeyEvent &event) |
| Detects key gestures from the event that you pass as an argument.
KeyMatchResult | matchModifiers (KeyModifier required, const KeyEvent &event) |
| Returns whether the modifiers of the key event match the required modifiers.
Quaternion | matrix4x4ToQuaternion (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Creates a quaternion from Matrix4x4.
float | matrixMultiplyAffineGetTranslationZ (const kanzi::Matrix4x4 &lhs, const kanzi::Matrix4x4 &rhs) |
| Gets translation Z component from product of two matrices, where both are affine transformations.
Vector2 | matrixMultiplyVectorBy2x2 (const Matrix3x3 &matrix, const Vector2 vector) |
| Multiply a 2D vector with the top 2x2 part of a given matrix.
Vector3 | matrixMultiplyVectorBy3x3 (const Matrix4x4 &matrix, const Vector3 vector) |
| Multiplies a 3D vector with the top 3x3 part of a given matrix.
template<class DerivedClassType , class CurvePointType > |
void | messagingAndChangeSignaling (DerivedClassType &m_derivedClass, optional< float > &m_lastHitPointValue, CurvePointType &m_lastHitPoint, CurvePointType &closestCurvePoint, float distanceAlongCurve, float shortestDistance, InputManipulator::InputMessageArguments &message) |
Matrix4x4 | multiplyAffine (const Matrix4x4 &left, const Matrix4x4 &right) |
| Multiplies two affine matrices and returns the product.
void | nodeLookAt (Node3D &node, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAtPoint, Vector3 upVector) |
| Sets node transformation so that the node is in a given position turned toward a given point.
Matrix4x4 | normalizeBase (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Normalizes base vectors of a matrix.
optional< Matrix3x3 > | normalized (const Matrix3x3 &matrix) |
| Normalizes the input matrix.
bool | operator!= (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Compares two colors for inequality.
bool | operator!= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Inequality operator overload for focus chain index.
bool | operator!= (const KeyEvent &lhs, const KeyEvent &rhs) |
| Inequality operator for KeyEvents.
bool | operator!= (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2) |
| Inequality comparison operator, compares if two quaternions are exactly not equal.
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (const shared_ptr< T > &v, nullptr_t) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (const unique_ptr< T > &v, nullptr_t) |
bool | operator!= (FixedString left, string_view right) |
bool | operator!= (Matrix3x3 left, Matrix3x3 right) |
| Inequality operator.
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (nullptr_t, const shared_ptr< T > &v) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator!= (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< T > &v) |
bool | operator!= (string_view left, FixedString right) |
bool | operator!= (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for inequality.
bool | operator!= (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for inequality.
bool | operator!= (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for inequality.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum >::type | operator& (Enum lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise AND operator between two enum class values.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum & >::type | operator&= (Enum &lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise AND assignment operator between two enum class values.
ColorRGBA | operator* (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Multiplies all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color.
Matrix4x4 | operator* (const Matrix4x4 &left, const Matrix4x4 &right) |
| Multiplies two matrices and returns the product.
Quaternion | operator* (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2) |
| Multiplies two quaternions.
ColorRGBA | operator* (float scalar, ColorRGBA v) |
| Multiplies all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | operator* (float scalar, Vector2 v) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | operator* (float scalar, Vector3 v) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | operator* (float scalar, Vector4 v) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector2 | operator* (Matrix3x3 m, Vector2 v) |
| Multiplies matrix with vector and returns the product.
Vector3 | operator* (Matrix3x3 m, Vector3 v) |
| Multiplies matrix with vector and returns the product.
Matrix3x3 | operator* (Matrix3x3 m1, Matrix3x3 m2) |
| Multiplies two matrices and returns the product.
Vector2 | operator* (Vector2 v, float scalar) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | operator* (Vector3 v, float scalar) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | operator* (Vector4 v, float scalar) |
| Multiplies all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
ColorRGBA | operator+ (ColorRGBA v) |
| Unary plus, doesn't do anything and returns the resulting color.
ColorRGBA | operator+ (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Adds two colors and returns the sum.
ColorRGBA | operator+ (ColorRGBA v1, float v2) |
| Adds a color and a scalar and returns the sum.
ColorRGBA | operator+ (float v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Adds a color and a scalar and returns the sum.
Vector2 | operator+ (float v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Adds a scalar and a vector and returns the sum.
Vector3 | operator+ (float v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Adds a scalar and a vector and returns the sum.
Vector4 | operator+ (float v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Adds a scalar and a vector and returns the sum.
Vector2 | operator+ (Vector2 v) |
| Unary plus, doesn't do anything and returns the resulting vector.
Vector2 | operator+ (Vector2 v1, float v2) |
| Adds a vector and a scalar and returns the sum.
Vector2 | operator+ (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Adds two vectors and returns the sum.
Vector3 | operator+ (Vector3 v) |
| Unary plus, doesn't do anything and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | operator+ (Vector3 v1, float v2) |
| Adds a vector and a scalar and returns the sum.
Vector3 | operator+ (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Adds two vectors and returns the sum.
Vector4 | operator+ (Vector4 v) |
| Unary plus, doesn't do anything and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | operator+ (Vector4 v1, float v2) |
| Adds a vector and a scalar and returns the sum.
Vector4 | operator+ (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Adds two vectors and returns the sum.
ColorRGBA | operator- (ColorRGBA v) |
| Negates all color elements and returns the resulting color.
ColorRGBA | operator- (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Subtracts two colors and returns the difference.
Vector2 | operator- (Vector2 v) |
| Negates all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector2 | operator- (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Subtracts two vectors and returns the difference.
Vector3 | operator- (Vector3 v) |
| Negates all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | operator- (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Subtracts two vectors and returns the difference.
Vector4 | operator- (Vector4 v) |
| Negates all vector elements and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | operator- (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Subtracts two vectors and returns the difference.
ColorRGBA | operator/ (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Divides all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color.
Vector2 | operator/ (Vector2 v, float scalar) |
| Divides all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector3 | operator/ (Vector3 v, float scalar) |
| Divides all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
Vector4 | operator/ (Vector4 v, float scalar) |
| Divides all vector elements with a scalar and returns the resulting vector.
bool | operator< (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Less operator overload for focus chain index.
bool | operator<= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Less or equal operator overload for focus chain index.
bool | operator== (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Compares two colors for equality.
bool | operator== (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Equality operator overload for focus chain index.
bool | operator== (const KeyEvent &lhs, const KeyEvent &rhs) |
| Equality operator for KeyEvents.
bool | operator== (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2) |
| Equality comparison operator, compares if two quaternions are exactly equal.
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (const shared_ptr< T > &v, nullptr_t) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (const unique_ptr< T > &v, nullptr_t) |
bool | operator== (FixedString left, string_view right) |
bool | operator== (Matrix3x3 left, Matrix3x3 right) |
| Equality operator.
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (nullptr_t, const shared_ptr< T > &v) |
template<typename T > |
bool | operator== (nullptr_t, const unique_ptr< T > &v) |
bool | operator== (string_view left, FixedString right) |
bool | operator== (Vector2 v1, Vector2 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for equality.
bool | operator== (Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for equality.
bool | operator== (Vector4 v1, Vector4 v2) |
| Compares two vectors for equality.
bool | operator> (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Greater operator overload for focus chain index.
bool | operator>= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs) |
| Greater or equal operator overload for focus chain index.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum >::type | operator^ (Enum lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise XOR operator between two enum class values.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum & >::type | operator^= (Enum &lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise XOR assignment operator between two enum class values.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum >::type | operator| (Enum lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise OR operator between two enum class values.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum & >::type | operator|= (Enum &lhs, Enum rhs) |
| Bitwise OR assignment operator between two enum class values.
template<typename Enum > |
enable_if< enable_bitmask_operators< Enum >::enable, Enum >::type | operator~ (Enum lhs) |
| Bitwise NOT operator over an enum class value.
Matrix4x4 | orthonormalizeBase (const Matrix4x4 &matrix) |
| Orthonormalizes base vectors of the given matrix.
template<typename T > |
bool | overlaps (const Rectangle< T > &rectangle1, const Rectangle< T > &rectangle2) |
| Checks if the two given rectangles overlap, at least partially.
template<typename T > |
void | overrideMetaclass (ObjectFactory &objectFactory) |
int | parseQnxContextTypeValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, int defaultValue) |
| Parses QNX context type flags from the system configuration.
template<> |
EGLContextClientSelection | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, EGLContextClientSelection defaultValue) |
template<> |
EGLSurfaceType | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, EGLSurfaceType defaultValue) |
template<> |
int | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, int defaultValue) |
template<> |
optional< EGLIMGContextPriority > | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, optional< EGLIMGContextPriority > defaultValue) |
template<> |
optional< int > | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, optional< int > defaultValue) |
template<> |
optional< unsigned int > | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, optional< unsigned int > defaultValue) |
template<> |
string | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, string defaultValue) |
template<> |
SurfaceColorSpace | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, SurfaceColorSpace defaultValue) |
template<typename T > |
T | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, T defaultValue) |
template<> |
unsigned int | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, unsigned int defaultValue) |
template<> |
WindowStyle | parseValue (const SystemConfiguration &configuration, const string &key, WindowStyle defaultValue) |
optional< PlanePlaneIntersection > | planeIntersectPlane (const Plane &plane1, const Plane &plane2, float parallelTolerance) |
| Checks whether two planes intersect and returns a point and direction vector for the line of intersection.
optional< PlaneRayIntersection > | planeIntersectRay (const Plane &plane, const Ray &ray, const float parallelTolerance) |
| Tests whether a plane intersects with the given ray, and returns the point of intersection and the distance of the intersection from the origin of a plane.
optional< TouchEvent > | pointerToTouchEvent (const PointerEvent &pointer) |
| Converts a pointer event to an equivalent touch event.
float | positiveModulo (float dividend, float divisor) |
| Same as positiveModulo(), but for floating point numbers.
unsigned int | positiveModulo (int dividend, unsigned int divisor) |
| Returns the positive modulo(dividend % divisor) for signed numbers in a way that negative numbers are treated as an extension instead of mirroring compared to positive numbers.
EventQueue::Container::iterator | prepend (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, EventQueue::Container &container) |
| Moves a container content into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator | prepend (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, UniqueEventPtr &&event) |
| Inserts an event into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator | prependAndAdvance (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, EventQueue::Container &container) |
| Moves a container content into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator | prependAndAdvance (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, UniqueEventPtr &&event) |
| Inserts an event content into a queue before the given position.
template<class T > |
T | prev (T t) |
template<class T , class D > |
T | prev (T t, D d) |
void | previewPatch (Domain *domain, unique_ptr< KzbFile > patch) |
PropertyField | propertyFieldFromBinaryTargetAttribute (KzuPropertyBinaryTargetAttribute attribute) |
| Converts a property target attribute from binary into a property field.
float | pseudoCrossProduct (const Vector2 &left, const Vector2 &right) |
| Calculates pseudo-cross product of two 2D vectors.
Quaternion | quaternionSlerp (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, float interpolationTime) |
| Applies spherical linear interpolation (slerp) to two quaternions using the shortest path.
Quaternion | quaternionSlerpLongerPath (const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2, float interpolationTime) |
| Applies spherical linear interpolation (slerp) to two quaternion using the longer path.
Matrix4x4 | quaternionToMatrix4x4 (const Quaternion &quaternion) |
| Converts a quaternion rotation to a 4x4 rotation matrix.
constexpr float | radiansToDegrees (float angleInRadians) |
| Converts radians to degrees.
RayBoxIntersection | rayIntersectBox (const Ray &ray, const Box &box, const Matrix4x4 &boxOrientation) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with a bounding box and returns the distance.
RayBoxIntersection | rayIntersectBox (const Ray &ray, const Vector3 minCorner, const Vector3 maxCorner, const Matrix4x4 &boxOrientation) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with a bounding box and returns the distance.
RayBoxIntersection | rayIntersectBoxBackface (const Ray &ray, const Box &box, const Matrix4x4 &boxOrientation) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with the back faces of a bounding box and returns the distance.
RayBoxIntersection | rayIntersectBoxBackface (const Ray &ray, const Vector3 minCorner, const Vector3 maxCorner, const Matrix4x4 &boxOrientation) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with the back faces of a bounding box and returns the distance.
optional< float > | rayIntersectCylinder (const Ray &ray, const float cylinderRadius, const float cylinderHeight, const Vector3 cylinderAxis, const Matrix4x4 &cylinderTransform) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with a cylinder aligned on the given unit-axis (within range [-height/2, height/2]).
optional< float > | rayIntersectSphere (const Ray &ray, const Vector3 spherePosition, const float sphereRadius) |
| Tests whether a ray intersects with a sphere and returns the distance.
KZ_DEPRECATED RayPickResult | rayPickHitTest (const Vector2 &limits, OverlayScope &scope, Scene *scene, Camera *camera, int x, int y) |
| Input hit testing.
RayPickResult | rayPickHitTest (const Vector2 &limits, Scene *scene, Camera *camera, int x, int y) |
| Input hit testing.
template<class T > |
T::reverse_iterator | rbegin (T &t) |
string | readAsText (File &file) |
| Loads contents of a file into a string.
vector< string > | readAsTextLines (File &file) |
| Loads contents of a file into a vector of strings for each line.
float | readVertexAttributeComponent (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, unsigned int component) |
| Reads one attribute component of given vertex from mesh create info.
float | readVertexAttributeFloat (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex) |
| Reads float attribute of given vertex from mesh.
Vector2 | readVertexAttributeVector2 (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex) |
| Reads Vector2 attribute of given vertex from mesh.
Vector3 | readVertexAttributeVector3 (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex) |
| Reads Vector3 attribute of given vertex from mesh.
Vector4 | readVertexAttributeVector4 (const Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex) |
| Reads Vector4 attribute of given vertex from mesh.
void | registerDefaultResources (Screen &screen) |
| Registers default resources in the resource manager and Screen node's dictionary.
void | registerDefaultTypes (ObjectFactory &objectFactory) |
| Registers default Kanzi object types in object factory.
template<typename T > |
void | registerMetaclass (ObjectFactory &objectFactory) |
void | registerNodeComponentLoader (ObjectLoader &objectLoader, const Metaclass *metaclass) |
| Registers node component template loader for specified node component type.
void | registerNodeComponentLoaders (ObjectLoader &objectLoader) |
| Registers node component template loaders for build-in node component types.
void | registerRuntimeAssets (Domain *domain) |
| Registers build-in runtime assets in resource manager of domain so they can be acquired at runtime.
void | registerTimelineLoaders (ObjectLoader &objectLoader) |
| Registers loaders for build-in timeline types.
void | registerUIAssets (Domain *domain) |
| Registers build-in UI assets in resource manager of domain so they can be acquired at runtime.
bool | releaseCurrentEGLContext (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay) noexcept |
| Releases surfaces and context bound to the current thread.
template<class T > |
T::reverse_iterator | rend (T &t) |
void | resetStopWatch (StopWatch &stopWatch) |
| Resets the stop watch.
PropertyDataType | resolveDataType (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyField field) |
| Resolve data type for a reading or writing.
template<typename T > |
float | retrieveFieldValue (const T &value, PropertyField field) |
| Free function for retrieving a value of a field.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< ColorRGBA > (const ColorRGBA &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< Matrix3x3 > (const Matrix3x3 &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< Matrix4x4 > (const Matrix4x4 &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< SRTValue2D > (const SRTValue2D &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< SRTValue3D > (const SRTValue3D &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< Vector2 > (const Vector2 &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< Vector3 > (const Vector3 &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
template<> |
float | retrieveFieldValue< Vector4 > (const Vector4 &value, PropertyField field) |
| Specialization of retrieveFieldValue.
Vector3 | rotateVector (const Quaternion &quaternion, Vector3 vector) |
| Applies quaternion rotation to a vector.
float | roundDown (double num) |
| Helper function similar to floor, but takes a double and returns a float.
template<typename HostType , typename TemplateSharedPtrType > |
BindingRuntimeHandle | setBindingToBindingHost (HostType &bindingHost, TemplateSharedPtrType templateRoot, AbstractBindingSharedPtr binding, AbstractPropertyType propertyType, optional< PropertyValuePrecedence > precedence, PropertyField field) |
| Helper function to set bindings to binding hosts.
void | setPlatformMmapMode (MmapMode mode) |
| Set mmap() strategy.
void | setScopeFocusedNode (Node &scope, Node &node) |
| Sets the focus node for the given scope node.
bool | shutdownEGL (EGLDisplay &eglDisplay) noexcept |
| Terminates current EGL display connection.
template<class C > |
constexpr auto | size (const C &c) -> decltype(c.size()) |
template<class T , size_t N> |
constexpr size_t | size (const T(&)[N]) noexcept |
vector< string > | splitString (const string &source, const string &delimiter) |
| Splits string to tokens.
vector< string_view > | splitString (string_view source, string_view delimiter) |
| Splits string view to tokens.
Vector3 | sRGBToHSLColor (const Vector3 &vec) |
| Converts a Vector3 from sRGB color space to HSL color space.
Vector4 | sRGBToHSLColor (const Vector4 &vec) |
| Converts a Vector4 from RGBA color space to HSLA color space.
tuple< float, float, float > | sRGBToHSLColor (float r, float g, float b) |
| Converts a color from the sRGB color space to the HSL color space.
ColorRGBA | sRGBToLinear (const ColorRGBA &cs) |
| Converts to whole ColorRGBA from sRGB to linear.
Vector3 | sRGBToLinear (const Vector3 &vec) |
| Converts to whole Vector3 from sRGB to linear.
Vector4 | sRGBToLinear (const Vector4 &vec) |
| Conversion to whole Vector4 from sRGB to linear.
float | sRGBToLinear (float cs) |
| Conversion from sRGB to linear for default gamma 2.2.
constexpr float | step (float edge, float value) |
| Calculate step for floating point values.
constexpr int | step (int edge, int value) |
| Calculate step for integers.
float | strtof (const char *val, char **end_ptr) |
KZ_NO_DISCARD bool | supportsContextClientVersion (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, const ::EGLConfig eglConfig, EGLContextClientVersion version) noexcept |
| Returns whether EGLConfig supports EGLContextClientVersion.
void | swap (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo1, Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo2) |
void | swap (Mesh::CreateInfo::Cluster &cluster1, Mesh::CreateInfo::Cluster &cluster2) |
void | swap (MeshVertexAttribute &attribute1, MeshVertexAttribute &attribute2) |
void | swap (Renderbuffer &buffer1, Renderbuffer &buffer2) |
void | swap (ShaderProgram &shader1, ShaderProgram &shader2) |
void | swap (ShaderProgram::CreateInfo &createInfo1, ShaderProgram::CreateInfo &createInfo2) |
void | swap (ShaderVertexAttribute &attribute1, ShaderVertexAttribute &attribute2) |
void | swap (Texture &texture1, Texture &texture2) |
void | swap (Texture::CreateInfo &info1, Texture::CreateInfo &info2) |
void | swap (VertexAttribute &attribute1, VertexAttribute &attribute2) |
constexpr TextureSwizzleMask | SwizzleMaskARGBToRGBA (TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Green, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Blue, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Alpha, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Red) |
| Masks the color channels from ARGB to RGBA.
constexpr TextureSwizzleMask | SwizzleMaskLuminanceToRGBA (TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Alpha) |
| Masks all color channels with alpha.
constexpr TextureSwizzleMask | SwizzleMaskRGBToLuminanceAlpha (TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Red, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Red, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Red, TextureSwizzleMask::ColorComponent::Alpha) |
| Masks all color channels with red.
string | to_string (const ResourceID &id) |
| Converts a ResourceID to a string.
string | to_string (double value) |
string | to_string (FixedString fixedString) |
string | to_string (float value) |
string | to_string (int value) |
string | to_string (long double value) |
string | to_string (long long value) |
string | to_string (long value) |
string | to_string (RenderPass::AttachmentState attachmentState) |
| Returns a string representation of an attachment state.
string | to_string (unsigned int value) |
string | to_string (unsigned long long value) |
string | to_string (unsigned long value) |
FixedString | toFixedString (GraphicsDataType dataType) |
| Returns human readable string for GraphicsDataType.
FixedString | toFixedString (GraphicsFormat format) |
| Returns human readable string for GraphicsFormat.
FixedString | toFixedString (Sampler::Filter filter) |
FixedString | toFixedString (Sampler::MipmapMode mipmapMode) |
FixedString | toFixedString (VertexAttribute::Semantic semantic) |
| Returns human readable string for semantic.
optional< ShaderProgram::FixedUniform > | toFixedUniform (string_view uniformName) |
| Gets FixedUniform from given string.
unsigned char | toLower (unsigned char ch) |
| Wrapper for tolower() that returns unsigned char.
optional< VertexAttribute::Semantic > | toVertexAttributeSemantic (unsigned int kzbVertexAttributeSemantic) |
| Converts KZB vertex attribute semantic to runtime VertexAttribute::Semantic.
string_view | trim (string_view input) |
| boost::trim() implementation for string_view.
string_view | truncateToUtf8Length (string_view text, size_t length) |
void | tryCollectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, const Node &node, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template, like collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl, but does not throw an exception if the prefab template is not found.
void | tryCollectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view prefabTemplateUrl, ResourceManager::UrlContainer &urls) |
| Collects URLs from all resource properties that are used by the nodes in a prefab template, like collectResourceUrlsFromPrefabTemplateUrl, but does not throw an exception if the prefab template is not found.
KZ_NO_DISCARD optional< EGLint > | tryGetEGLAttributeValue (const EGLDisplay &eglDisplay, ::EGLConfig eglConfig, EGLint attributeName) noexcept |
| Tries to get an EGL attribute value associated with the attribute name.
template<size_t I = 0, typename Function , typename... TupleArgs> |
enable_if_t< I==sizeof...(TupleArgs), void > | tupleForEach (const tuple< TupleArgs... > &, Function &&) |
| Applies a function to each element of a tuple (const version).
template<size_t I = 0, typename Function , typename... TupleArgs> |
enable_if_t<(I< sizeof...(TupleArgs)), void > | tupleForEach (const tuple< TupleArgs... > &tuple, Function &&function) |
| Applies a function to each element of a tuple (const version).
template<size_t I = 0, typename Function , typename... TupleArgs> |
enable_if_t< I==sizeof...(TupleArgs), void > | tupleForEach (tuple< TupleArgs... > &, Function &&) |
| Applies a function to each element of a tuple.
template<size_t I = 0, typename Function , typename... TupleArgs> |
enable_if_t<(I< sizeof...(TupleArgs)), void > | tupleForEach (tuple< TupleArgs... > &tuple, Function &&function) |
| Applies a function to each element of a tuple.
template<typename T > |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType () |
| Reverse lookup for data type.
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< AbstractRangeSharedPtr > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< bool > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< ColorRGBA > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< float > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< int > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< Matrix3x3 > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< Matrix4x4 > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< ResourceSharedPtr > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< SRTValue2D > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< SRTValue3D > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< string > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< Vector2 > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< Vector3 > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< Vector4 > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<> |
PropertyDataType | typeToPropertyDataType< void * > () |
| Specialization of typeToPropertyDataType().
template<typename T , typename A > |
void | unordered_erase (vector< T, A > &c, typename vector< T, A >::iterator it) |
| Erases an entry from a vector without preserving the order of other entries.
void | unregisterRenderEntry (DrawObjectsRenderPass &drawPass, Node3D &node) |
| Remove references of node render entries from a draw objects render pass.
FocusChainNode | unwrapFocusChainNode (FocusScope::FocusChain::FocusedTuple wrapped) |
| Unwraps the focus chain node representation of the focused node of a focus scope from a wrapped node.
ObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr | updateObjectSourceRuntime (ObjectSourceRuntimeSharedPtr runtime, NodeListSharedPtr nodeList, ObjectSourceSharedPtr filter) |
| Updates an existing filter runtime or returns a new one.
template<typename T > |
void | updateRenderValue (Renderer &renderer, GlRenderValue< T > &value) |
| Update render value container to GPU.
template<typename T > |
bool | updateRenderValue (Renderer &renderer, GlRenderValue< T > &value, unsigned int textureUnit) |
| Update render value container to the GPU.
template<> |
bool | updateRenderValue (Renderer &renderer, GlRenderValue< TextureSharedPtr > &value, unsigned int textureUnit) |
| updateRenderValueContainer() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< bool > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< ColorRGBA > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< float > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< int > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< Matrix3x3 > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< Matrix4x4 > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<typename T > |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< T > &value) |
| Type-specific render value update to GPU.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< Vector2 > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< Vector3 > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
template<> |
void | updateRenderValueOverride (Renderer &renderer, const GlRenderValue< Vector4 > &value) |
| updateRenderValueOverride() specialization.
void | updateVertexAttributeOffsetsAndVertexSize (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo) |
| Sets offsets for vertex attributes in mesh create info.
void | updateVertexAttributeStrides (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo) |
| Calculates vertex format size and updates stride to all vertex attributes in mesh create info.
unsigned int | uround (float value) |
| Round float to unsigned integer.
template<typename T > |
Variant | variantCast (const Variant &value) |
| Casts variant to another data type.
Variant | variantCast (const Variant &value, PropertyDataType targetDataType) |
| Casts variant to another data type.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< AbstractRangeSharedPtr > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< bool > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< ColorRGBA > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< float > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< int > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< Matrix3x3 > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< Matrix4x4 > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< ResourceSharedPtr > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< SRTValue2D > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< SRTValue3D > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< string > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< Vector2 > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< Vector3 > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< Vector4 > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
template<> |
Variant | variantCast< void * > (const Variant &value) |
| Specialization of typed variantCast.
bool | variantSetToDataObject (const Variant &value, DataObject &dataObject) |
| Sets variant value to a data object.
void | writeVertexAttribute (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, float v) |
| Writes one float attribute value to vertex data.
void | writeVertexAttribute (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, unsigned int component, float v) |
| Writes one float attribute component to vertex data.
void | writeVertexAttribute (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, Vector2 v) |
| Writes one Vector2 attribute value to vertex data.
void | writeVertexAttribute (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, Vector3 v) |
| Writes one Vector3 attribute value to vertex data.
void | writeVertexAttribute (Mesh::CreateInfo &createInfo, unsigned int vertexIndex, unsigned int attributeIndex, Vector4 v) |
| Writes one Vector3 attribute value to vertex data.
void | swap (Mesh::Skeleton &skeleton1, Mesh::Skeleton &skeleton2) |
void | swap (Mesh::Cluster &cluster1, Mesh::Cluster &cluster2) |
void | swap (Mesh &mesh1, Mesh &mesh2) |